There is so much more malfeasance still to come to light here. So here is how their scheme goes…
Natera rep approaches their target Providers in-office staff “Hey we will pay you $xx per specimen 1099 if you send samples to Natera versus LabCorp ( Whom the insurance company wants the Provider to use!) and shhhh! don’t tell anyone”…Just subpoena the 1099 Natera payroll ledger and match them up with the induced / AKS violators per account. So many of these shady agreements are with staff currently employed by the referring Health Care Providers! These arrangements are so widespread, perhaps 100+ in some areas. Who in Natera Management signed off (turned a blind eye) on all these independent contractors / payments to office staff? COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT and Check Mate!
Natera rep approaches their target Providers in-office staff “Hey we will pay you $xx per specimen 1099 if you send samples to Natera versus LabCorp ( Whom the insurance company wants the Provider to use!) and shhhh! don’t tell anyone”…Just subpoena the 1099 Natera payroll ledger and match them up with the induced / AKS violators per account. So many of these shady agreements are with staff currently employed by the referring Health Care Providers! These arrangements are so widespread, perhaps 100+ in some areas. Who in Natera Management signed off (turned a blind eye) on all these independent contractors / payments to office staff? COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT and Check Mate!