How’s the ttr group doing? Good morale?


So what’s the latest with this group? Any expansions happening given the quarterly results? Seems to be a great group to join if u can get in!

Ttr group? You dork. You mean Cardiac Rare disease team. Morale sucks, all leadership is IM, ruined the culture, multiple layers and recent hiring of another two RBD's outside of RD, two many people involved, IM Kam's are useless and we don't need their help or IS for that matter, C2 assistance makes sense. Covid and Biden win is going to destroy economy. Doctors will be preoccupied with Covid very soon as cases ramp up and so long to any meaningful VCC. Layoffs in 2021

Everyone has their opinion, and I believe the future is quite bright here. It was hard to swallow TH ejection but that notwithstanding the product is fantastic as is my manager. The value proposition is strong and won’t change regardless of election results. That’s why the company has gotten more hands on deck, and while selfishly I wish that weren’t the case I understand (as a stockholder) why it has happened. So yeah I’m on board and planning to stay; with only a change in immediate manager to an asshat altering my thought process.

C'mon Man! Albert wants to make Pfizer meds accessible and affordable. So what if this is the most expensive HF drug on the market. It still makes Pfizer Biopharma grow revenue and carry the company despite all the other loser divisions. Do you really think the ELT cares? They do it because they can and no one seems to care but you!