House of Cards


If any of you chumps listened to Jim Cramer who was pimping the stock, you had better sell now. The first quarter financial are going to be terrible. Backorders on saline which affects wet packs, backorder/ allocation on oral care and the MicKey II debaucle with no release in site will drive negative numbers for Q1. HYH cannot hide under cover of KC.

If any of you chumps listened to Jim Cramer who was pimping the stock, you had better sell now. The first quarter financial are going to be terrible. Backorders on saline which affects wet packs, backorder/ allocation on oral care and the MicKey II debaucle with no release in site will drive negative numbers for Q1. HYH cannot hide under cover of KC.

Well said. JC lies through his teeth. We all know that. When are we supposed to be off backorder with OC anyways?

If any of you chumps listened to Jim Cramer who was pimping the stock, you had better sell now. The first quarter financial are going to be terrible. Backorders on saline which affects wet packs, backorder/ allocation on oral care and the MicKey II debaucle with no release in site will drive negative numbers for Q1. HYH cannot hide under cover of KC.

HYH has all the earmarks of Enron. Stock value built on lies and perpetuated by those at the top. Watch insider trading as soon as the "blackout' period is lifted.

They just don't get it inside. Products, production a mess. This was once a strong, reliable brand. Now the customers have lost faith in our products and our company. The "insiders" have not dealt with customers for so long they have forgotten the pains both customers and we as a sales team endure, especially lately. We cant develop anything new because we are putting out fires all the time. There is no real "marketing" as its all the time fixing what we have and have had for years. Our competitors are so far out in front of us on social media, etc. Management lays so much on our door when they need to hold a mirror up and take a good look. I truly believe that if RA/CL knew ALL this by listening to a professional, constructive "vent" from the grass roots sales team they would straighten all this out. No one usually wants to tell the King their kingdom is a mess as they fear to be beheaded. One certainly didn't do that in the past with JAB or your head would certainly roll. So, I guess we will just watch as the Nero's inside play their violin and the company burns down around them. If its true about the stock price and the release of bad numbers...I'm sure the sales force will have hell rain down upon them. More useless reports...more PIPs. Its a shame and it sure takes the wind out of my sails on a weekly basis. I will keep my fingers crossed for a while...then who knows.

They just don't get it inside. Products, production a mess. This was once a strong, reliable brand. Now the customers have lost faith in our products and our company. The "insiders" have not dealt with customers for so long they have forgotten the pains both customers and we as a sales team endure, especially lately. We cant develop anything new because we are putting out fires all the time. There is no real "marketing" as its all the time fixing what we have and have had for years. Our competitors are so far out in front of us on social media, etc. Management lays so much on our door when they need to hold a mirror up and take a good look. I truly believe that if RA/CL knew ALL this by listening to a professional, constructive "vent" from the grass roots sales team they would straighten all this out. No one usually wants to tell the King their kingdom is a mess as they fear to be beheaded. One certainly didn't do that in the past with JAB or your head would certainly roll. So, I guess we will just watch as the Nero's inside play their violin and the company burns down around them. If its true about the stock price and the release of bad numbers...I'm sure the sales force will have hell rain down upon them. More useless reports...more PIPs. Its a shame and it sure takes the wind out of my sails on a weekly basis. I will keep my fingers crossed for a while...then who knows.

Well said! At least there is one intelligent being in the Robert Abernathy "Piggy Bank".

I'm not employed and never have worked for either KC or HH but I'm noticing a terrible trend in Medical Sales, the days of high character hard working accomished street level TM's are going the way of the dinasour. We are being replaced with value based employees with little or no tenure and even less device experience. I've worked for years in this industry with all the said acronyms and yet I'm being passed over in basic opportunities and quite honestly it's ok I would rather take a few steps back rather than drive my resume into a middle mgmt role in this current environment. We are not appreciated for our relationships any longer beyond the spreadsheet and this plays right into the IDN commodities model, these brands are gonna be quite surprised when all the hospital doors shut and access is reduced to the same said spreadsheets...

"I've worked for years in this industry with all the said acronyms and yet I'm being passed over in basic opportunities and quite honestly it's ok I would rather take a few steps back and man the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday rather than drive my resume into a middle mgmt role in this current environment."

Fixed your post. Go get em!

"I've worked for years in this industry with all the said acronyms and yet I'm being passed over in basic opportunities and quite honestly it's ok I would rather take a few steps back and man the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday rather than drive my resume into a middle mgmt role in this current environment."

Fixed your post. Go get em!

Uh-um...Dear "Obviously a posted comment BY middle-management (KG)". I think you missed the point of the individuals comment. That person is a long term, relationship selling, achiever that sees the demise in this industry by management. It is not that person that should be tending the salad bar...but the ones they are letting in the door now with no experience in Medical Devices at all! I'm not sure, but possibly some of our management could handle the rigors of the salad bar at Ruby's. But, they would probably forget to order lettuce and then blame it on the customer for not letting them know the day before they ran out...because its never their fault.

The biggest mistake this company made...and there have been a not listening to certain reps who had greater expertise in OC product..namely one rep who is no longer here. I remember being on a OC conference call and he went off and laid out exactly why this product would fail and exactly what was needed to make the product a $50 mil product line. They(upper dicks) simply seemed dumbfounded by how much this rep knew and said move on folks. I think he was from Nebraska or one of those states. I was new at the time and I was just like damn this dude has balls. What a freakin disaster it's been ever since.

The biggest mistake this company made...and there have been a not listening to certain reps who had greater expertise in OC product..namely one rep who is no longer here. I remember being on a OC conference call and he went off and laid out exactly why this product would fail and exactly what was needed to make the product a $50 mil product line. They(upper dicks) simply seemed dumbfounded by how much this rep knew and said move on folks. I think he was from Nebraska or one of those states. I was new at the time and I was just like damn this dude has balls. What a freakin disaster it's been ever since.

Kevin Kennedy was the rep with an extreme knowledge of oral care, he was an ex SAGE rep. David Parks and the rest of the empty suits ignored his advice as well as the committee I was on to make refinements to OC. No, had to be Parks way and you can see where we are today. Not only on backorder but have never fixed the off/on switch on the Yankaur handle. HYH needs to sell the line to Owens & Minor and break this "pig" in to pieces. There is no one in mid management and up who has a clue about the medical device market. Perfect example, Vince G. has not made his number in the last four years, how can he be an effective leader?

First of all, we carried the company culture over from K-C. The higher up you are in management, the smarter you are from the people below you. Therefore, your manager is smarter than you, Vince and Michael are smarter than the managers (and you), Tom is smarter than Vince and Michael, the managers (and you) and Chris is the smartest person in the whole company. And marketing is smarter than the entire sales organization combined. Which is why they never ask our opinion on anything.
It's the same with being responsible for making your number. If you don't make your number, you will be put on a plan. No manager has ever been fired for not making their number. No area director has been fired for not making their number. No GM has ever been fired for not making their number. Fired for bad decisions, lack of vision and overall stupidity-yes, but upper management can go years without making their number. I don't know Vince, but I doubt he can have much impact on the sales force.Everyone is out there selling what little we have. It always comes down to new and cutting edge products, the ability to make them and distribute them. And this is something we sorely lack.

Its true OC had a chance to be redesigned and DP did not push that. Don't know if it was DP or the "powers that be" quashing it due to the money it would take. I did hear that Dallas stopped a lot of things Medical Device wanted to do...but I don't think OC was really ever presented for serious change. In the long run, it would have been money well spent. Sage just has to be laughing at us everyday. KK even sent a plan of redesign directly to CL. It was something combining what we already had, repackaged, to minimize cost & maximize market impact. Ignored. I think the above criticism of VG is a bit harsh. He answers to others and we have had so many issues, etc it certainly does not all fall on his shoulders. All these issues we have had affects his bottom line too. He has worked with TK & done some things that have helped reps. There are certainly others that think way, way more of themselves that just don't listen to the field. Its a disconnect that hurts us all. Arrogance, ego & narcissism get in the way of growth, progress & innovation.

Well, it s starting to happen. Chris Lowery sold some of his stock grants on May 5th, a true indication of his commitment to Halyard. I guess he needed a few bucks for his bet on the Kentucky Derby. Don't sit there like a bunch of dolts, watch the inside trading and update your resume.

Well, it s starting to happen. Chris Lowery sold some of his stock grants on May 5th, a true indication of his commitment to Halyard. I guess he needed a few bucks for his bet on the Kentucky Derby. Don't sit there like a bunch of dolts, watch the inside trading and update your resume.


He's been playing out the stretch since he was at Kendall and will always look out for Number One. He's ready to pull the cord,

The HYH stock is heading south after the pitiful 1st quarter results, by the way will continue. They pulled the kimono apart and the look was enough to make a "bulldog break his chain". Abernathy and Lowery could care less, they only want to line their pockets. Wake up folks!!!!


Net sales of $394 million were 4 percent below the prior year and on a
constant currency basis net sales were down 2 percent. Performance was
impacted by unfavorable currency exchange rates and lower volumes in both

Operating profit was $41 million in the first quarter of 2015 versus $62
million in 2014. On an adjusted basis, operating profit was $46 million
compared to $77 million in the prior year. Performance for the quarter was
impacted by lower volumes, unfavorable currency exchange rates, higher
distribution costs and higher general and administrative expenses related to
stand-alone costs.

Adjusted results for 2015 exclude $12 million post-spin gain related to the
sale of a glove manufacturing facility in Thailand, $11 million in post-spin
related charges, and $6 million of intangible amortization expense. Adjusted
results for 2014 exclude $7 million in pre-spin related charges and $8 million
of intangible amortization expense.

Everything is fine do not panic we are in good hands.All of the old kc management team knows what they are doing…….. NOT is looks like a panicking disaster.

You must be one of the following: 1) a current manager 2) a newbie or 3) an idiot. Read the financials, name the new products, determine a market strategy and then look in a mirror and adjust your dunce hat.

The famous Jim Cramer of MSNBC summed up the state of the union for HYH. His comment was " The stock has been a real dog". If you fools think the stability of this circus is going to get any better, enjoy your unemployment and food stamp benefits,