They just don't get it inside. Products, production a mess. This was once a strong, reliable brand. Now the customers have lost faith in our products and our company. The "insiders" have not dealt with customers for so long they have forgotten the pains both customers and we as a sales team endure, especially lately. We cant develop anything new because we are putting out fires all the time. There is no real "marketing" as its all the time fixing what we have and have had for years. Our competitors are so far out in front of us on social media, etc. Management lays so much on our door when they need to hold a mirror up and take a good look. I truly believe that if RA/CL knew ALL this by listening to a professional, constructive "vent" from the grass roots sales team they would straighten all this out. No one usually wants to tell the King their kingdom is a mess as they fear to be beheaded. One certainly didn't do that in the past with JAB or your head would certainly roll. So, I guess we will just watch as the Nero's inside play their violin and the company burns down around them. If its true about the stock price and the release of bad numbers...I'm sure the sales force will have hell rain down upon them. More useless reports...more PIPs. Its a shame and it sure takes the wind out of my sails on a weekly basis. I will keep my fingers crossed for a while...then who knows.