Hot Off The Press!


District Managers and Managers all alike be aware. Novartis Switzerland is conducting "Integrity Services" evaluations and honest feedback is requested. Make sure if YOU are selected you fill in honest feedback as the only ones who will be using this feedback will be top down Director and VP as Novartis Global. In the past we all wondered who would see our feedback and may have been shifted from the truths, but this is the real deal and the hammer will drop on Management if we all take this seriously. I work in house here at Novartis East Hanover but report directly to Global and found this to be TRUE! Make sure you respond factually and without fear of recourse! The time has come to shut down the real trouble makers at Novartis a company I so have learned to love.

The Firm we are using is -

The only reason they want "honest" feedback is to find out how much is known about the shady biz this co conducts on daily basis. If you tell them honestly what and how much you know it will be the equal to whistleblowing internally. This is good for the Co (by the way everyone of you has the duty under the NP4 rules to whistleblow on any misconduct you know of) for things come forward for them to handle. What they do then is close any weak spots in the organization that threaten an all out exposure of this Co's shady dealings. In other words this way they prevent any problems they may have with some "misguided" individual going out to DOJ to do the right thing.
As for those who do respond in honest manner, you are taking a big chance, for anything can happen to you in spite of guarantees you have by NP4 and others. You have to understand one major thing; this like all similar cos is run on combination of honest and dishonest practices (this works best for their success in creating huge profits) so anyone who stands in their way, is dealt with sooner or later.
The best advice to handle this; be creative with your answers keeping in mind who you deal with. Also read BPO and other threads dealing with shady side of this co. Is there another side? Let us know if you know of it.

It won't matter what you put. They don't care about you and your concerns. I know people who begged for help from Novartis for different reasons and guess what they got fired for asking for help. Just keep your thoughts to yourself and collect your paycheck. Gas is expensive enjoy your free car.