I am looking at the Hospital System Mgr - Oncology position. Can someone please share with me what this position entails and products involved. Thanks.
The HSM position sucks. Everyone hates them! The BHBU hate them because they screwed the formulary additions for Prolia. The OBU hates them because they take the big, juicy medical centers away and the NBU hates them for the same reason.
Most of us can't believe that this position exists. This job can easily be absorbed by all of the existing business units and save tons of money.
Why can't administration see this simple, cost saving move?
Seriously, you hate the HSMs b/c they screwed up formulary? Quit hiding behind your primary care masks. I bet the hospital team generated more % of dollars with their limited potential in one semester than you have since the entire launch. We'll see how they are hated when Xgeva gets reported. goodbye
XGEVA is sold by boots on the ground OBU. How nice to drive to 3 or 4 hospital systems and get the sales. Try going to all the community hospitals, doing formulary process, etc. Guess how much Prolia HSMs sold before the BHBU took it over?? Less than 1%.
XGEVA is sold by boots on the ground OBU. How nice to drive to 3 or 4 hospital systems and get the sales. Try going to all the community hospitals, doing formulary process, etc. Guess how much Prolia HSMs sold before the BHBU took it over?? Less than 1%.
You HSM's & OBU reps need to shut the fuck up about how much better Xgeva is doing vs Prolia and specifically how you're responsible for it. A monkey could sell that drug vs Zometa with the data you were given and in a disease state that has death on its side.
If you're so good, where are your EPO, Arnsp & Vectbx sales? The truth is, you couldn't do any better with Prolia than what's being done now.