Hospital reps

Wonder if we'll see hospital reps trimmed way down?

Before the 2008 layoffs the headcount for the Hospital Rep position was 150. That layoff reduced the hospital field force by 37 positions down to 113. By 12/10 the hospital field force was down to approx. 90 positions and I believe there were approximately 20 to 22 more positions eliminated (some vacancies were never filled) with the December layoffs. This makes the current hospital field force about 65 to 70 positions.

As hospital reps call on academic teaching hospitals, many of which have heavy, heavy indigent populations where the formulary is limited and/or restricted to what state medicaid programs will allow, the impact of hospital reps pushing branded drugs is much more limited than what it was in previous years. More and more accounts are restricting or prohibiting access. Accordingly it could very well be that the hospital rep position could be eliminated in favor of a few "special account" positions where access, impact and profit is still good.

Last time I checked Relaxin, which is for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure will be given in the Hospital. I don't think they are going anywhere. I would worry about your own job.

yea, in 2014 at earliest! that's a long way away, if it even gets approved. track record at novartis not so good lately

Novartis could easily put the Hospital Sales Force in hibernation for awhile. Ciba did it back in the 90's and Novartis disbanded Hospital at the end of 2001 only to bring it back in the beginning of 2004 after a 2 year hiatus.

Hospital Reps are useless especially in NY. They never work and are always looking to take credit or blame others for failures. They are the first to call someone out or try to get someone in trouble to get the heat off of themselves. They would eat their own young. The MD's know this and still they do nothing.