Hospital reps be honest please!


After 20 years with Merck, the job has changed. I am locked out of most departments, food is not allowed, docs are discouraged from even speaking with industry. So, I try everyday to see at least a few key customers. Why does Merck keep us on the payroll? Please tell me I am not the only rep with this problem?? This is not a thread to complain, we are all so very lucky to still have these jobs in this economy? Do the powers that be up north know that we have less than a few hours work each day?? Why are we still here? Just to get some maybe new drugs on the formulary?

Please do not complain, honest thoughtful feedback only?? Good luck to those being notified November 1, 2012.


former field rep here, my hospital rep had only 2 hospitals to cover (90 miles apart) , carried 2 very simple products (used commonly in/out patient settings) both on formulary already for years.. she scheduled a lunch about 1 x week with specialist offices (total of about 6 in fairly rural territory), stopped by hospital pharmacies (2) once a week, and poked her head into lab to see how the antibiotic was holding up. Sure she had a 'ton' of paperwork and emails to keep up with, but come on.. how tough does this sound?

Don't feel bad at all since your scenario is replicated all across the country. Management knows, too. You are keeping people above you employed. When that no longer is a consideration of Merck senior management, look out. Then your days may really be numbered. I think we're living on borrowed time already. I have an exit plan whenever that time comes, but until then, I'm doing what I can, keeping my boss happy, and enjoying the money while it lasts. That's about all anybody can do if they don't want to cut and run before rolling the dice with their future at Merck. Your age, obviously, is a big factor, too. If I was younger, I'd get the hell out asap.

Don't feel bad at all since your scenario is replicated all across the country. Management knows, too. You are keeping people above you employed. When that no longer is a consideration of Merck senior management, look out. Then your days may really be numbered. I think we're living on borrowed time already. I have an exit plan whenever that time comes, but until then, I'm doing what I can, keeping my boss happy, and enjoying the money while it lasts. That's about all anybody can do if they don't want to cut and run before rolling the dice with their future at Merck. Your age, obviously, is a big factor, too. If I was younger, I'd get the hell out asap.

OP....SSSSSSHHHHHH........Don't be so honest. Everyone here is doing pretty much nothing all day.

If you really want to work...go become a nurse, teacher, a candle stick maker...