Hospital Division

We are the old Hospital Division of Abbott. A few of us call on surgicenters and onc. clinics. the rest of us call on hospitals exclusively.

To answer re: is it a good company - NO IT IS NOT!- pay is getting lower every day. Back orders up the rear this has been going on for two yrs with no improvement. Customers losing it because we can't deliver. Management who believe the following - the beatings will continue until the morale improves, Nat'l sales award trips management flys 1st Class sitting/laying down in there Thrones while the winners ride cattle car class and eat there own knees, management stays in Ocean View Suites and Penthouses while winners stay in the cheap rooms with a view of the parking lot- unless you are unemployed don't have anything to do with this POS company. Management is Royalty and anyone else are serfs.

What's the Critical Care starting pay range with CC experience? Stock options? Car? # of vacation weeks? How often does DM ride with reps? Territory size? Bonus forecast?

You would start for around $50-$60
stock options - LOL- only for management
car- Prius - rolling POS death trap.
incentive- sure if you can make the ridiculous quota- good luck :(

Good place or bad? Any info is appreciated. Pay range, territory size, bonus possibilities, DM's etc.


you are a jackass, along with the losers that responded i think you answer your own bogus threads like the other loser that trolls this board IF YOU POST ON WEEKENDS YOU ARE A NO LIFE LOSER !!!!!!!! oh lets see, what an exciting weekend coming up I'll post on CP on a Friday or Saturday night Are you the loser that was posting on New Years Eve ? If so I slapped you around already

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