Hospira pension and healthcare


I am new with the company, but had no idea that Hospira and Abbott had cheated their long term employees out of their pensions and healthcare. I should have found this board earlier. I joined, but will keep looking.

I wouldn't say that they cheated them out of anything. The two companies had to draw a line and some people came out on the wrong side and some did not. If you look at the total number of people adversly affected by the split you might be suprised how small of a group it was. Since your new to the company you aren't going to be affected by it ARE YOU????

No I won't be affected, but I don't like unethical behavior. I can see outside of my tiny little box and the job market is too good not to look. How many out of 10,000 is a small group to you? All 10,000 now have no retiree healthcare and all 10,000 can no longer add years of service to their pension dollars. I see this as a significant amount of people. Shame, Shame, Shame on ABT and HSP

No I won't be affected, but I don't like unethical behavior. I can see outside of my tiny little box and the job market is too good not to look. How many out of 10,000 is a small group to you? All 10,000 now have no retiree healthcare and all 10,000 can no longer add years of service to their pension dollars. I see this as a significant amount of people. Shame, Shame, Shame on ABT and HSP

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I'm happy for you that you can "see outside of your tiny little box". What does your tiny little box look like. I must admit that I simply adore a chick with a "tiny little box". Please describe your tiny little box for me. What type of attire do you wear over you tiny little box?

My tiny little box doesn't need to be covered up

Can anyone tell me what is your pension plan and healthcare like? I am with Abbott PPD and we are about to go through the same thing you did. The only information I found was that pensions were frozen at the time of the split. If you were over 50 you still got your pension when you left Hospira. So if it was $40K at the split and you worked 3 more years, your Abbott pension was still $40K. Could you hve earned any more?

As far as healthcare, if at the time of the split you had, say 25 years in at Abbott, you might have been looking at only paying 25% of the coverage (75% was Abbott), but only you became Hospira and retired, your portion was now 60%. Is that true?

Any help you can give will be great. Thanks!!!!!!

Let me help:

You need to get your spouse and a camera tomorrow morning and find a street close by that has one of those yellow signs that says DIP on it.
You need to get out of the car and ask your sweetie to take a picture of you with your back facing the sign. Off your left shoulder. Smile for the shot showing those shiny pearls.
Hand that out during Thanksgiving and Christmas when your families meet. Post that on facebook. Frame that near your Abbott All-Star Plaques.
Your a real arrogant dip****.
You must have survived the Titanic. Your one of the first class passengers that got on a lifeboat....and watch thousands die....as the maiden ship hung for minutes and then plunged into the frigid waters.
There you are, 20 minutes later, sipping tea, eating lady fingers, with your life vest on, and you peek over the port side and see an almost frozen to death shiphand and you have the gaul to ask him "How do you turn this On?"
Hey Dipstick, Dip****, Diplips......did you have a dollie on your knees and a napkin?
Come to think of it, you must be 132 years old. You won't need any pension.
Apologize to us here....and then I will answer your question.


Can anyone tell me what is your pension plan and healthcare like? I am with Abbott PPD and we are about to go through the same thing you did. The only information I found was that pensions were frozen at the time of the split. If you were over 50 you still got your pension when you left Hospira. So if it was $40K at the split and you worked 3 more years, your Abbott pension was still $40K. Could you hve earned any more?

As far as healthcare, if at the time of the split you had, say 25 years in at Abbott, you might have been looking at only paying 25% of the coverage (75% was Abbott), but only you became Hospira and retired, your portion was now 60%. Is that true?

Any help you can give will be great. Thanks!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me what is your pension plan and healthcare like? I am with Abbott PPD and we are about to go through the same thing you did. The only information I found was that pensions were frozen at the time of the split. If you were over 50 you still got your pension when you left Hospira. So if it was $40K at the split and you worked 3 more years, your Abbott pension was still $40K. Could you hve earned any more?

As far as healthcare, if at the time of the split you had, say 25 years in at Abbott, you might have been looking at only paying 25% of the coverage (75% was Abbott), but only you became Hospira and retired, your portion was now 60%. Is that true?

Any help you can give will be great. Thanks!!!!!!

I am sure ABT would not be planning another HSP type spin off. I am sure all ABT PPD will be pampered royalty as they should be. Most likely ABT PPD employees will receive raises and extra benefits for their years of service. Cheers mate!

Pension and healthcare are just the beginning of what you will be cheated of here newbie.

Wait until your pride, morale, and best years of your career get cheated. The job market is tough, but it is much tougher when your resume says HOSPIRA on it. It is viewed as a laughingstock company by the entire industry.

Welcome aboard. Youre screwed!

There are two reasons for Abbott leadership to spin off another division, and NO, one of them is not shareholder value. It's to protect themselves from the long term pension/benefits costs and to load their pockets with cash. Hospira is a shining example of just how effectively it works. The Hospira leadership was granted cash compensation for their lost pension and benefits, while the masses of employees were left with nothing. In addition, all the parties involved at the senior leadership level, including the bought and paid for board of directors, were granted large stock options which netted them tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So you see, it's fairly simple, cut future obligations, loot the company, and retire. That's how it works. Miles White, Chris Begley, Terry Kearney, and their brethren worked the deal to perfection. There's no reason to expect that things will be any different this time around.

As viewed in the eyes of upper management, you are no longer an employee but a resourse (remove the human factor). Resourses are meant to be depleted. Then thrown in the furnace to be consumed with fire.
My suggestion is to get what you can out of the company. Their about to suck the life and any dignity you might have out of you.