Hospira Not Bad


Most of the bull on this board is from former fired or laid off workers who never lasted more than a few years Too bad they don't have 1.4 million in a 401K like I and many others do
all after only 25 yrs at Abbott and Hospira combined Sure I was treated bad at times but stuck it out for my family
Iam sure glad I did because now i have a large pension a home worth 800k with no mortgage A rental property 2 boats a couple of rare Harley's a gun collection worth 80k and 2 classic 60s mopar muscle now tell me how bad I was treated
Abbott spawned thousands upon thousands of Millionaires all from Abbott money that was matched graciously or stock options As long as you were smart enough to contribute the maximum and put in your 20 yrs and play their game you are set for life even the lowest paid people walked with a million they needed 30 yrs but a million is a million and retiring at 52 is awesome so please tell me how bad pharma is

Sad to see somebody bragging about their wealth and things. Happy you planned well and retired at 52. But you may just have opened up a can of worms that will start taking away from your treasure.

Most of the bull on this board is from former fired or laid off workers who never lasted more than a few years Too bad they don't have 1.4 million in a 401K like I and many others do
all after only 25 yrs at Abbott and Hospira combined Sure I was treated bad at times but stuck it out for my family
Iam sure glad I did because now i have a large pension a home worth 800k with no mortgage A rental property 2 boats a couple of rare Harley's a gun collection worth 80k and 2 classic 60s mopar muscle now tell me how bad I was treated
Abbott spawned thousands upon thousands of Millionaires all from Abbott money that was matched graciously or stock options As long as you were smart enough to contribute the maximum and put in your 20 yrs and play their game you are set for life even the lowest paid people walked with a million they needed 30 yrs but a million is a million and retiring at 52 is awesome so please tell me how bad pharma is

You must be one of Begley's "yes men" that got a VP position that was created out of thin air.

You must be one of Begley's "yes men" that got a VP position that was created out of thin air.

U remember when Abbott got rid of us like ex-lax (now we know why)...there was a two year freeze rule on going to back to Abbott....but the guy in charge of commercial contract marketing (looked like uncle fester, who was that dude?) well, he got a special deal, and went with Abbott during the abortion....sounds like the op....

I met the "integrity ceo" more than once face-to-face....dead dark eyes.

Will not comment on pharma, but let us all know how karma is. it's going to bite you in the ass.

Why won't you comment on pharma ? You are on a pharma board and post here weekends and holidays and even answer your own posts from what I and others see here You are the one who got bit in the ass already and you better watch it don't happen again Didn't you learn your lesson yet ? What comes around goes around so watch YOUR ass punk You were just a contracted IT temp who was used abused and never had your short contract renewed Blame fuel blame lean BLAME YOURSELF not bragging just proving how hard work and people skills pays off not like your sorry ass bumming on cp 24/7 The FDA is not going to do shit to Hospira
They got political pressure to ease up and did You see HSP stock rising not dropping
All your links and threads don't mean shit . You are a real nut case obsessed with getting even for something YOU caused bye bye loser

Sad to see somebody bragging about their wealth and things. Happy you planned well and retired at 52. But you may just have opened up a can of worms that will start taking away from your treasure.

Mr.Loser (thats your board name now) Your sad to see bragging about wealth but happy about good planning i knew you were stupid But your BI POLAR on top of that YOU may have opened the can punk so watch your weak ass weasel

U remember when Abbott got rid of us like ex-lax (now we know why)...there was a two year freeze rule on going to back to Abbott....but the guy in charge of commercial contract marketing (looked like uncle fester, who was that dude?) well, he got a special deal, and went with Abbott during the abortion....sounds like the op....

I met the "integrity ceo" more than once face-to-face....dead dark eyes.

Mr.Loser They weren't his eyes they were his nuts and you went face to nuts not face to face