Hopes and Dreams Lost

Upper management will say anything to keep reps from leaving. That’ll look even worse to investors if there’s a max exodus. Just remember, Amarin doesn’t care about you and will dispose of you as soon as they need to, so you need to do what’s best for you and your family. Look out for yourselves

Yeah. Because everyone is going to be leaving in the current landscape. .... ......

There are companies moving forward with hiring and doing Skype interviews. You’d know this if you looked. Or you could just turn a blind eye and stay with Amarin until they cut you, leaving you with Cobra during all of this and a shitty severance

Upper management will say anything to keep reps from leaving. That’ll look even worse to investors if there’s a max exodus. Just remember, Amarin doesn’t care about you and will dispose of you as soon as they need to, so you need to do what’s best for you and your family. Look out for yourselves
Amen to that; that is always true no matter what company you are with... Good Luck to all.

I don’t work at Amarin but a different well known company. Industry is filling open positions. Virtual interviews for now, no home office just WebEx, etc....if you are proactive there are opportunities out there.

I had a phone interview with another pharma company today. They said Skype interviews will be held next week with a target hire date of may 1st. Just to confirm that vacancies are being filled!

There is no where to go at the moment. Amarin is going to end up with 800 demotivated sales people who will collect a paycheck by riding this out as long as possible. No one will hustle. What's the point.

There is no where to go at the moment. Amarin is going to end up with 800 demotivated sales people who will collect a paycheck by riding this out as long as possible. No one will hustle. What's the point.

Best time is now to find a job...While getting paid which can end any second. Double Dip if you can.