Hopefully your DBM likes you!


You heard it straight from KSPK and BKRE, your management and or manager will determine your worth at NNI!!! They will be evaluating your competencies to see if you’re worthy of staying here at NovoNordisk. God for bid you and your manager don’t see eye to eye on how you manage your territory, or anything else.... you will be forced ranked to the bottom! Think you’ve been a good DCS... never mind, an HSDCS or EDCS can displace you in a second. Don’t forget they “earned” those promotions.
Time to get those attorneys on speed dial. So much for taking any bias out. ‘good ole boys win again!!

You heard it straight from KSPK and BKRE, your management and or manager will determine your worth at NNI!!! They will be evaluating your competencies to see if you’re worthy of staying here at NovoNordisk. God for bid you and your manager don’t see eye to eye on how you manage your territory, or anything else.... you will be forced ranked to the bottom! Think you’ve been a good DCS... never mind, an HSDCS or EDCS can displace you in a second. Don’t forget they “earned” those promotions.
Time to get those attorneys on speed dial. So much for taking any bias out. ‘good ole boys win again!!

This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Nobody knows anything. Nothing but trolls on here. I do wonder about the executive reps. I’m surrounded by them and curious if their title matters as decisions are made

I love how everybody runs to the “lawsuit” / class action lawsuit reply. On what grounds? Reality is you will sign your severance package relinquishing your rights to sue in order to get your money. Trust me most “lawsuits” don’t earn you your job back or additional money (especially if you have to pay an attorney). Now if it’s more about principle vs. money then have at it!

If your DBM doesn’t “like you” it’s most likely because you haven’t produced results, have a poor work ethic and/or don’t have the skill set to do the job. Or you may be good but there are several around you that are better. There are a number of pods/teams that are extremely talented and it’s going to be very difficult to choose who should be retained. It’s not personal.

I personally know a few folk who sued NN. No, didn't get job back but definitely got compensated. You can sue even if you signed the paperwork.
Also, know an attorney who specializes in suing pharmaceutical companies for various problems with products etc. so there's recourse.

If your DBM doesn’t “like you” it’s most likely because you haven’t produced results, have a poor work ethic and/or don’t have the skill set to do the job. Or you may be good but there are several around you that are better. There are a number of pods/teams that are extremely talented and it’s going to be very difficult to choose who should be retained. It’s not personal.

Oh so-you you know everyone in management at NN ?
... Good one.

While there’s definitely managers with vendettas out there, I’d rather have manager input than completely fucking random. Sure, you may get a couple of unlucky people, but why would those people want to stay with that manager anyway? I’d rather that, than have many unlucky people, purely to avoid lawsuits.

This is amazing.... retained based on performance vs retained by luck. This kid how every other industry works except pharma. Glad it’s finally based on how good you are not where you live. It’s only the bottom feeder crap reps who’d co plain and talk about law suits.

I think the problem is no one can tell us what “how good you are” means. They can’t or won’t tell us what competencies they are looking at! And if all is equal what’s the tiebreaker?
And, quite frankly, we will never know............