Hope and Change is taking effect!


When I first got into pharma over a decade ago, I was told that everything goes in cycles. Doctors said remember the times we could do xyz and there wasn't someone breathing down our necks. If you look at the climate now it is a completely different ballgame. A decade ago we talked about evidence based medicine. Now, as of 20 days ago, we talked about theoretical benefits to a system we know maybe 20% about(i.e. tekturna - raas blocker).
My point to this is simple...it goes in cycles. Obama has been a train wreck for the pharmaceutical industry. If you don't believe me google pharmaceutical fines from 2009-present. The fact is this industry is getting it from all sides-public perception from Obama's stump speeches and the movies making us out to be nothing more than greedy s.o.b.'s. Fines are coming at a breathtaking pace and this industry is contracting to limit the scope of damage. One of my doctors, who I will obviously not mention, said that he is glad for expensive drugs because that fuels profits which fuels good results which fuels money for research! AMEN!
If you don't take this opportunity to drag every person to the polls to vote this administration out in 2012 then you will realistically be peeing in the wind because further contractions will occur and further limiting of liability will become the standard in this industry. Good luck to everyone. I have made some great friends over the years and I know there are some good people who want to do the right thing if allowed the opportunity!

When I first got into pharma over a decade ago, I was told that everything goes in cycles. Doctors said remember the times we could do xyz and there wasn't someone breathing down our necks. If you look at the climate now it is a completely different ballgame. A decade ago we talked about evidence based medicine. Now, as of 20 days ago, we talked about theoretical benefits to a system we know maybe 20% about(i.e. tekturna - raas blocker).
My point to this is simple...it goes in cycles. Obama has been a train wreck for the pharmaceutical industry. If you don't believe me google pharmaceutical fines from 2009-present. The fact is this industry is getting it from all sides-public perception from Obama's stump speeches and the movies making us out to be nothing more than greedy s.o.b.'s. Fines are coming at a breathtaking pace and this industry is contracting to limit the scope of damage. One of my doctors, who I will obviously not mention, said that he is glad for expensive drugs because that fuels profits which fuels good results which fuels money for research! AMEN!
If you don't take this opportunity to drag every person to the polls to vote this administration out in 2012 then you will realistically be peeing in the wind because further contractions will occur and further limiting of liability will become the standard in this industry. Good luck to everyone. I have made some great friends over the years and I know there are some good people who want to do the right thing if allowed the opportunity!

You really want to make this a political forum you racist conservative shit. Remember who created part d and made the gov the largest payer while leading us into the recession. The smartest thing the Repub party has done in recent years is throw the election so that America would forget how we got here, expect 8 years of ecenomic neglect can be fixed in 3 with a confrontational and nonnegotiating house and senate, and act like they would have done things much differently except keep our soldiers in battle.

I agree with #1. Racism....? Are you kidding me? You my friend are dilusional! As far as the industry - this administration is unfriendly to pharma. There is no way to logically think otherwise.

Downsizing of this industry has been overdue for a decade. The reach and frequency wars of the 80s are an industry created environment due to greedy corporate and unrealistic share holders expectations during an economic hayday. I hate to say it but the entire industry should reboot to skeleton crews and reinvent the model to value talent and individual impact. No more team play, one on one competition, the strong survive and the week find another job. No more v and b numbers only. Get goaling fixed and lets go at it.

Good grief! I thought maybe the whiny little FOX fanatic was actually trying to get his pitiful life in order but I see he is still trying to blame everyone else for what is happening. It has been proven many times that the industry has been in the decline, especially with the advent of Medicare D and the increased reliance on the heavy hand of the insurance industries. Cry, watch TV for the day, then go out and decide what you are going to do with the rest of your sorry life. Of course, you will blame those who don't walk in lock step with you for failures.

I agree with #1. Racism....? Are you kidding me? You my friend are dilusional! As far as the industry - this administration is unfriendly to pharma. There is no way to logically think otherwise.

The industry is its own worst enemy. Take ownership and downsize damatically. Rams, nams, brms, soc, kams, 4 and 5 on one product for same geography. Give me a break. You blame the administration? Your just trying to validate your own existence. Too many headcount that bring little to no value and impact to the bottom line. This industry has the motto of "let 5 people do the job of one". Too many reps, supporting staff, training, mco, flms, md, gm, vp, and all the overinflated salaries and titles that come along with it. Streamline!

AGREE!!!!! You know, the only way you can conquer in war is to out number the enemy and hit them with everything you have, and then, they will remeber who you are. That was Pharma's approach for years and at times it worked. With MC reimbursement to physicians for services constantly being cut, hospital systems buying out physicians and mandating how many patients that have to see in a day/week, access has become a major wall, especially when you have 3-5 reps calling on the same target with the same products. Thus, many reasons for downsizing. Should have gone by seniority and support those that have stuck it out through all of the retoric.

Remember during interviewing when asked about your salary at Novartis. Do not disclose what you made because obviously what you are going to be offered is considerably less. Do tell the interviewer that you know the pharma industry is going through change as you have readily accepted, you are willing to bring your experience and therapy expertise to their company, and that the salary can be compensated for by hard work and increased bonus. This sounds like BS but it works in this climate. WELL WISHES