Honest Feedback: Is it really that bad at Zoll?


What is the turnover rate here at Zoll selling the Lifevest?

Can Hospitalist write orders for this product to be used?

Is it really that bad of a place to work?

I am really interested in this job.

Please, not bullshit answers. Honest feedback from mature adults is really appreciated.

You want honest answers ? Ok here's honesty, you are perfect for ZOLL . Why? because with everything on this forum that clearly talks about all the FACTUAL issues here, you are still stupid enough to post this post? You are perfect for ZOLL , your the type of person they hire now because they can't get anybody experienced,credible, and talented. So there is your honest no bullshit answer you asked for.

Im a regional manager here and every time I come across a strong candidate and want to offer them the job, they always do some homework and call me stating its "not a good fit for them ". So I know that they talked to doctors and other reps and found out the real deal here. I find myself having to sell the good candidates on the job versus them selling me which is not a good sign. The not so great candidates I don't have to sell. Anyway, your going to get some wonderful leadership posts telling you how great it is here, and I can already tell your the type that will buy into it. On the other hand , if you read the original post titled "ZOLL can't handle the truth", then that's all the information you should need to make a intelligent well informed decision.

What is the turnover rate here at Zoll selling the Lifevest?

Can Hospitalist write orders for this product to be used?

Is it really that bad of a place to work?

I am really interested in this job.

Please, not bullshit answers. Honest feedback from mature adults is really appreciated.

Please really think about this as this is YOUR life and YOUR career. Why are you really interested in this job? Please know that the things that the recruiter, regional manager and director have told you (or will tell you soon) are more than likely the things which are peaking your interest in this role and are not real. The Recruiters and Zoll management are not being honest and truthful with you so THEY can get what THEY want and it doesn't matter to them if you and your career are expendable. That's the hard truth and it's really hard to grasp as other employers do not lie and mislead in this way. Please do some deep thinking and read what is on this board and question why so many reps have come and gone. It honestly can't be that 70% of the reps each year don't know how to sell.
I know what you are hearing and you really want this job to be that. I wanted that too, in fact so much that I believed what they told me. Please learn from my experience and the many others on this board and do some very deep thinking before you make a very big career mistake.

I entered thinking that the posts were being dominated by a few bad apples, like what management would have me believe. Let's face, we can get a bit unruly and negative at times and make power statements like "we pay for other departments, they should kiss our ass" etc., I thought perhaps I would be different, perhaps I could use my successful experience from other companies and turn the opportunity, I could help a few patients.

However I can honestly say that I was wrong, and this place is terrible. It's really poorly managed, the intentional deceit is awful (both internally and externally), the internal ego, bad strategy, internal spinning, and incompetence is evident, and even if you do survive a few months beyond the quota, you will not feel good about yourself for supporting this company. All they want is a few bodies with key contacts, put you through the ringer and then after you've given them your reputation on behalf of the company, for you to move on. I suggest you do the last step to be the most efficient.

What is the turnover rate here at Zoll selling the Lifevest?

Can Hospitalist write orders for this product to be used?

Is it really that bad of a place to work?

I am really interested in this job.

Please, not bullshit answers. Honest feedback from mature adults is really appreciated.

"I am really interested in this job"? Can you provide further info as to what peaked your interest? What is it you are looking for? Remember "buyers remorse" usually occurs when you do not start with clear expectations and/or they do not line up with reality. We would be happy to provide "reality" info/data and examples to assist.

"I am really interested in this job"? Can you provide further info as to what peaked your interest? What is it you are looking for? Remember "buyers remorse" usually occurs when you do not start with clear expectations and/or they do not line up with reality. We would be happy to provide "reality" info/data and examples to assist.

I am a hospital rep that works closely with cardiologist, EPs, Hospitalist, care managers/discharge planners. I have good relationships with a lot of them where I can call them on their cell.

I am baffled with regard to how many employees dislike ZOLL. I am extremely hesitant about looking into this job.

How many reps actually make 100% of plan?

I am a hospital rep that works closely with cardiologist, EPs, Hospitalist, care managers/discharge planners. I have good relationships with a lot of them where I can call them on their cell.

I am baffled with regard to how many employees dislike ZOLL. I am extremely hesitant about looking into this job.

How many reps actually make 100% of plan?

40-50%. That might be on the high side and keep in mind 70-80% have only been with the company a year or so. The numbers get very skewed with such high turnover. Even if you have the best relationships in the country unfortuntanately the increasing quota will get you fired or you will quit. You may start out ok, maybe making $150,000 but at some point you will end up like the rest, making 75 grand until you get fired or quit. You do realize the quota goes up every 2 weeks and never goes down, gets adjusted EVER. Keep that in mind. I also made a bad career choice. Decent product just poorly run company.

I am a hospital rep that works closely with cardiologist, EPs, Hospitalist, care managers/discharge planners. I have good relationships with a lot of them where I can call them on their cell.

I am baffled with regard to how many employees dislike ZOLL. I am extremely hesitant about looking into this job.

How many reps actually make 100% of plan?

You can call me on my cell sweetie

it is seriously as bad as what is stated on this site under a variety of posts. If I knew what I know now...I never would have even proceeded with the initial screening. Once your even in, trying to get out is even more challenging as they have had so much turnover that no one even wants to glance at your resume and consider.......and I have blue chip/Fortune (just using that as a ref: or e.g. not validation of my skills etc.) pure device companies on mine.

Worst company ever. Period. But clever enough to ride the coat tails of defibrillators, implantable defibrillators, pharma practices, and fear mongering. Other than that, there is nothing here to learn nor reward your career by joining.

I entered thinking that the posts were being dominated by a few bad apples, like what management would have me believe. Let's face, we can get a bit unruly and negative at times and make power statements like "we pay for other departments, they should kiss our ass" etc., I thought perhaps I would be different, perhaps I could use my successful experience from other companies and turn the opportunity, I could help a few patients.

However I can honestly say that I was wrong, and this place is terrible. It's really poorly managed, the intentional deceit is awful (both internally and externally), the internal ego, bad strategy, internal spinning, and incompetence is evident, and even if you do survive a few months beyond the quota, you will not feel good about yourself for supporting this company. All they want is a few bodies with key contacts, put you through the ringer and then after you've given them your reputation on behalf of the company, for you to move on. I suggest you do the last step to be the most efficient.

You know why you are an idiot? You believed the posts were coming from a few bad apples before you took the job. Where did you get that impression? You just guessed? Did you look at the first posts going back 6 YEARS?????how can anyone who reads this board be stupid enough to think that there are only a handful of disgruntled employees??? LOOK! READ! When did the posts start? Are a few people from 2001 still posting on this site???? Stupid managers who can't see the nose in front of their face say this to new candidates in order to discredit this site!!! Anyone with a half a brain could figure out that just a FEW people haven't been posting for several YEARS!!!!! OMG WAKE UP!!!!!

You know why you are an idiot? You believed the posts were coming from a few bad apples before you took the job. Where did you get that impression? You just guessed? Did you look at the first posts going back 6 YEARS?????how can anyone who reads this board be stupid enough to think that there are only a handful of disgruntled employees??? LOOK! READ! When did the posts start? Are a few people from 2001 still posting on this site???? Stupid managers who can't see the nose in front of their face say this to new candidates in order to discredit this site!!! Anyone with a half a brain could figure out that just a FEW people haven't been posting for several YEARS!!!!! OMG WAKE UP!!!!!

So the question begs to be asked, why are you still here? I ask that respectfully. Can you not find another opportunity, or is it that you are hopeful that the company will wake up and change its program? Thank you

Yes. It is that bad. I was nearly fired a year ago. I quit because the knob head no experience manager that was brought in had no clue how to sell or manage. Lost three people in two weeks.
The territory is on the 4th rep since I left one year ago and the fifth manager in 1.5 years.

So the question begs to be asked, why are you still here? I ask that respectfully. Can you not find another opportunity, or is it that you are hopeful that the company will wake up and change its program? Thank you

Respectively im not there. Company is not going to change anything. Its sucking the well dry while reimbursement is still decent. Why do you think they are splitting so many territories?? Do they care that they are diluting the sales force earning potential?? No. Would any other company whos business plan was long term, jeopardize its sales force by taking away territory? They hide under the "growth umbrella" Really? Dont confuse growth with stupid.

Respectively im not there. Company is not going to change anything. Its sucking the well dry while reimbursement is still decent. Why do you think they are splitting so many territories?? Do they care that they are diluting the sales force earning potential?? No. Would any other company whos business plan was long term, jeopardize its sales force by taking away territory? They hide under the "growth umbrella" Really? Dont confuse growth with stupid.

well said