Home schooling kids


Can they please realize we are home schooling our M’fing bored ass, crying children, fighting and delivering grocery’s for our elderly parents, and checking on friends and neighbors. If you are doing this right, you are maxed out w/o these worthless, ridiculous conference calls. Give it a rest, optimistically June is our earliest date to be back in offices, probably longer.

Seriously? We are going to have a rigorous training schedule? Give it a rest. At least they figured out trying to get a Dr. to do a webex for a detail and use Challenger behavior was ridiculous!

Who came up with that I wonder? Duffy?

Can they please realize we are home schooling our M’fing bored ass, crying children, fighting and delivering grocery’s for our elderly parents, and checking on friends and neighbors. If you are doing this right, you are maxed out w/o these worthless, ridiculous conference calls. Give it a rest, optimistically June is our earliest date to be back in offices, probably longer.

Others are doing all this on top of losing their job. Wise up and count your blessings. The Axe will fall at Abbvie in due time. Smug ass Pharma people make me sick

I am a single parent with 2 kids (One w mild CP) that I am homeschooling. Will the intensive training schedule be ever week or just next week. Is anyone taking vacation days or a LOA?

Seriously? We are going to have a rigorous training schedule? Give it a rest. At least they figured out trying to get a Dr. to do a webex for a detail and use Challenger behavior was ridiculous!

Who came up with that I wonder? Duffy?

He’s fucking bored that he can’t go to our meetings and try his new material for open mic night. Poor guy’s wife and kids have such an early bedtime he doesn’t know what to do at night.

Wait I dont understand how any Abbvie employee can home school their kids. Isn't this the only company in pharma that only requires a GED for employment? Doesnt your CEO not have anything more than a high school diploma?

Wait I dont understand how any Abbvie employee can home school their kids. Isn't this the only company in pharma that only requires a GED for employment? Doesnt your CEO not have anything more than a high school diploma?

Yeah..A high school diploma, and 2 "X" chromosomes, and you are good to go with Abbvie..