Home Office


Hostile & threatening work environment, discrimination, unscrupulous leadership, low-morale, malicious self-serving colleagues and managers, undervalued employees, leadership by conspiracy, & the “good old boys club” is at epidemic proportions at the HO. The environment is breeding contempt at perilous speeds.

What has happened to BI?


You just described ever HO in the pharma industry.

Now to my question:

Does that bitch Christine Marsh still work in the HO?

Well, she is kinda between a rock and a hrad place. If she acts like a 'woman' she is gonna be considered weak. If she acts tough, in order to keep up with the 'good old boys,' then she will be seen as bitchy.

I have had the opportunity to work with her, and she is very nice, very professional. Her 1st impresssion is not the best, but she is actually not bitchy at all.

i wonder if the HO is taking all the BJ threads down....there was one that lasted 2 days and then one from yesterday lasted two minutes before it was removed....someone has a very fragile ego and doesn't like what we really have to say about him....loser!!!

What do you want from HO? They keep hiring second rate management. BI puts people who can fake it in an interview into positions of power with fat salaries and within a few months (when the best behavior wears off) you end up with pathological liars and incompetents who are convinced they deserve their positions.

Those people will always be more interested in faking/maintaining any gains in "authority" they made instead of working to further the company, goals and everyone as a team.

But you can bet they aped the whole "teamwork and family" schtick in interview.

HO doesn't give a crap about you. HO doesn't give a crap about HO either, really.

What do you want from HO? They keep hiring second rate management. BI puts people who can fake it in an interview into positions of power with fat salaries and within a few months (when the best behavior wears off) you end up with pathological liars and incompetents who are convinced they deserve their positions.

Those people will always be more interested in faking/maintaining any gains in "authority" they made instead of working to further the company, goals and everyone as a team.

But you can bet they aped the whole "teamwork and family" schtick in interview.

HO doesn't give a crap about you. HO doesn't give a crap about HO either, really.

a majority of the HO personel come from the field you moron. Yo actually lose a little moving to HO from the field, which is one of the reasons that they are not getting many top notch candidates to do HO rotations. Also, who wants to spend a year+ in Danbury? What is up there.....a Garden Inn, Sheraton and a couple of shopping plazas? Middle of nowhere. Better yet, go up to Southbury and spend a fine time at the Dolce. Smells like a basement.

That being said, most of the HO people are nice whenever I see them

Hostile & threatening work environment, discrimination, unscrupulous leadership, low-morale, malicious self-serving colleagues and managers, undervalued employees, leadership by conspiracy, & the “good old boys club” is at epidemic proportions at the HO. The environment is breeding contempt at perilous speeds.

What has happened to BI?

Someone should promote Robin Gallagher to HO. I'll bet she'd never let any of this happen!