Home office in California will be serving toilet water to drink


The Dem’s in California just approved all us insignificant’s the right to literally drink toilet water as “fresh” water. Could the last 3 years have gone any worse!

The Dem’s in California just approved all us insignificant’s the right to literally drink toilet water as “fresh” water. Could the last 3 years have gone any worse!

Ya’ll voted for Newsome…. AGAIN! The definition of insanity plays out. Dem’s aren’t known for their sound decision making so drink up!

The Dem’s in California just approved all us insignificant’s the right to literally drink toilet water as “fresh” water. Could the last 3 years have gone any worse!
Don’t you worry, that vaccine “cure” per great grandpa Joey and the fact it and boosters were mandated we take here will protect us!