Home office - commercial


What do you guys think of the home office culture and life? What’s it like at BI? Everything on CF is always negative for every company, but surely there’s got to be some positives you got?


What do you guys think of the home office culture and life? What’s it like at BI? Everything on CF is always negative for every company, but surely there’s got to be some positives you got?

well, 1st off, home office is empty. The only people that go there are a handful of senior leaders and the sycophants who want to be seen. Otherwise, everyone is working remotely. CT remains relatively closed and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

when open, the home office campus is ok. Nice facilities up there. As far as culture, that will take a while to come back. Usually all you see if people walking from meeting to meeting or hovering at your mobile workstation (which is annoying when you have stuff to get done).

like any office setting, there is plenty of BS, soap opera, politics and jockeying for positioning that occurs. There are also some nice people there who genuinely care about their employees and their development in addition to hitting their deliverables.

As far as after work, when pandemic improves, you can always go to Terra or Marketplace and socially mingle with coworkers. Frequently there are social gatherings there. And if you act now, you might be able to pull some tail out of there. That’s an added perk if you so choose.

Figured it was closed, but know of any guidance on what the balance will be after? I’m being told 2-3 days remote from my company now but thinking of the BI offer. Told that German Pharma isn’t messing around with that work from home stuff after the pandemic unfortunately.

being a little isolated up there versus Boston or NJ are people generally there a long time? Is the pension the long term incentive, I’m negotiating this thing and they haven’t outright answered if there is a LTI but I’m assuming the pension is the LTI.