
Just interviewed w/Hollister... have been in Pharma for 5 years. Can anyone provide me w/info. about this company?

I heard they are hiring now for a new division. Does anyone have any info on this company? Is Convatec the biggest competition for them? What about in the SOuth how does this company do here? Any information would be appreciated.

Yes the new line is Bowel Management. I do not think I would ever be able to demo these products. Bowel cathetersa! Yep I am excited about doing an inservice on this product.

wound care is a dirty job plain and simple. you hang around nasty smelly long-term care facilities and wound care centers. in-servicing any product like this stinks, no pun intended.

wound care is a niche thing where you can make 80-90k. its better than pharma and possibly a way into device. good luck

how is the wound care division doing? How are the products doing? Are you winning big acute contracts? WHat is the main call point? Is it WOCN? Starting to interview. any info is appreciated

Wound Care is doing well. On all the major GPOs and growing fast. Seems to be what the company is pouring all their money into. Where are you interviewing? Certain markets are better then others.

Doing well by all accounts. From what I've been told the territory will be an expansion. Money seems to be ok- but really any job is what you make of it I guess. They changed the comp after I left so I'm not sure, but I know they pay more now then previously. Heard the manager is pretty good too, though I left before he was hired. Talked to one of my friends who works for him and he said the guy is a good dude to work for. Good luck!