Holiday layoffs

No layoffs. Only quitters and idiots who got caught violating major rules.

That couldn't be further than the truth, you muppet. They only quit because it's a S@IT show with no forward career progression and territory cuts out the ass which means less pay and less opportunity. When a big company with well-qualified talent doesn't promote from within or allow people to professionally grow people leave. Who'd a THUNK! Who wouldn't go somewhere fresh with a new pipeline with great products?

Don’t Be Fooled By a Great CONMED Job Posting!

Caution: Bad Sales Job Ahead!

I know of someone who performed a set of actions that violated policy. They were fired because it's not the first major offense, and they got caught. There's others who are still working there that say and do much worse, and more often, but don't get caught. Because people like them, so they are allowed to violate policy.

Numbers are okay. Sometimes when change occurs within a business, debt or failed goals can momentarily happen. It's not over. If you hate it so much, please leave. I dislike it at times, buy I never hate working there. If it gets to that point, I would work ANYWHERE ELSE than to hate someone or something 5 days a week.