Holiday Expectations?

Is it crazy to think that it would be nice to at least get a card or nice note from my superior for the holiday season? Especially when it was such a tough year?

Cry me a river! You probably made at least 10-15k in bonus this year. I grew my Rx by 15% YOY, grew BnB by 12% YOY, and got 5,200 this year in total!!!

Go buy yourself a card, you whiner!!

Cry me a river! You probably made at least 10-15k in bonus this year. I grew my Rx by 15% YOY, grew BnB by 12% YOY, and got 5,200 this year in total!!!

Go buy yourself a card, you whiner!!

Who should cry a river? Nothing was mentioned about bonus dollars. The poster mentioned a simple act of kindness and recognition from someone who should know better. Our Region got a card from our Manager. I like knowing that he views me as a friend.

Where else are we in corporate America to expect one person to treat their team as contributing partners to ones own income, happiness, and success other than a Management team?

I'm not the original poster but I share the view. It's a simple act of kindness that should be expected at the very least during this time of year. But this is what we get when we hire Payroll sales people, Cell phone sales people, or fnancial service sales people as Managers.

Look around the Management team. How many can you spot that people would line up to work for? All the old guys here suck! Maybe 1 that came over with Listerine is good and maybe one of Matts new hires is good. The rest are all washed up, talentless, and stick around because they're all too old to go back to the mall kiosk to sell phones.

It is the little things that are important. My boss doesnt understand that.

Not the OP, but what many people fail to realize is that when you go to interview for a position, YOU are interviewing the manager as well. Similar to the job that we do, YOU must ask alot of questions to see if this manager is a good fit for you. Too many people just interview for the sake of getting a paycheck, and don't try to find out their management style, what they look for in a rep, etc. .

I can understand people being put off if a manager doesn't give something at the Holidays, but I would try to understand why that happens. When I worked in big Pharma, my manager was a perennial Award winner, and would give out nice gifts to the team, which he paid for himself. I know others that had their gift tied to how the team did during the year, with some getting nothing because the manager got very little bonus. In today's world, any gifts are paid for by the manager themselves, and not the company. If the manager has lots of kids or other matters, that might effect their ability to give something. JMO.

Not the OP, but what many people fail to realize is that when you go to interview for a position, YOU are interviewing the manager as well. Similar to the job that we do, YOU must ask alot of questions to see if this manager is a good fit for you. Too many people just interview for the sake of getting a paycheck, and don't try to find out their management style, what they look for in a rep, etc. .

I can understand people being put off if a manager doesn't give something at the Holidays, but I would try to understand why that happens. When I worked in big Pharma, my manager was a perennial Award winner, and would give out nice gifts to the team, which he paid for himself. I know others that had their gift tied to how the team did during the year, with some getting nothing because the manager got very little bonus. In today's world, any gifts are paid for by the manager themselves, and not the company. If the manager has lots of kids or other matters, that might effect their ability to give something. JMO.

all good points. when i interviewed, i asked about my managers experience. after learning that he held a roll accurately described in a previous post, i knew for certain that I was more experienced than he is and would have no problem getting a manager job. i have more years experience in pharma and dental sales than he has and I carry an MBA. i had no idea that he was tied into the old boys network here.

Not the OP, but what many people fail to realize is that when you go to interview for a position, YOU are interviewing the manager as well. Similar to the job that we do, YOU must ask alot of questions to see if this manager is a good fit for you. Too many people just interview for the sake of getting a paycheck, and don't try to find out their management style, what they look for in a rep, etc. .

I can understand people being put off if a manager doesn't give something at the Holidays, but I would try to understand why that happens. When I worked in big Pharma, my manager was a perennial Award winner, and would give out nice gifts to the team, which he paid for himself. I know others that had their gift tied to how the team did during the year, with some getting nothing because the manager got very little bonus. In today's world, any gifts are paid for by the manager themselves, and not the company. If the manager has lots of kids or other matters, that might effect their ability to give something. JMO.

How much does a card cost? Im sure they could sneak that into an expense account if they cant afford a card and a stamp. SMH