HO is humbled???


So HO... you are humbled to be in charge of ARD... don't you tell everyone that ARD's culture is a problem? So my question is what is Mallinckrodt's culture... Cadence? You fired all of your generic reps... so what is your culture... Questcor , Cadence.... You don't value reps... the first thing you ever said to us is"If you don't like it here... leave"!! It's so pathetic that you read Cafe Pharma(as per national meeting) funny, now you need us and NO ONE is working!!! Mallinckrodt needs to be erased from the face of the earth... you don't invest in the people or the drug... just raise the price... you are valeant!!! Can't wait till you get fired!!

So HO... you are humbled to be in charge of ARD... don't you tell everyone that ARD's culture is a problem? So my question is what is Mallinckrodt's culture... Cadence? You fired all of your generic reps... so what is your culture... Questcor , Cadence.... You don't value reps... the first thing you ever said to us is"If you don't like it here... leave"!! It's so pathetic that you read Cafe Pharma(as per national meeting) funny, now you need us and NO ONE is working!!! Mallinckrodt needs to be erased from the face of the earth... you don't invest in the people or the drug... just raise the price... you are valeant!!! Can't wait till you get fired!!

LOL...I see whoever posted that last comment really got on HO's nerves!!! He ALMOST responded from Hawaii at 3:30 AM. Don't worry HO, I know you hate thinking the reps have you by the tail....but we all know that you can fire our asses tomorrow ! The drug cant come back due to insurance coverage, so by the time you get new people in there our coverage will be gone. Boy what a problem you have you have two companies, Mallinckrodt and questcor....but what you dont know is that you havent assimilated any other of the companies culture's you bought into Mallinckrodt's. Your company getting bought out by Mallinckrodt is the kiss of death for every employee. You just raise the price of the drugs until no hospital or insurance company can tolerate it anymore, then you dispose of the people when you are done. No investment in people and no investment in science....not sure what to call you guys, your not a drug company that I am used to working for. BTW where are the company survey results?

So HO...I see the last poster really got your goat! I can tell you almost responded from Hawaii at 3:30 AM! Dont worry, we all know that any time you can fire all of our asses! Too bad by the time you lay us all off and get the new people up and running the drug won't be covered anymore! I know you hate to think reps actually got you by the tail!! You say you have two companies, Acthar and Mallinckrodt...but you never assimilated the other companies you bought either. Please let us know exactly what Mallinckrodt's culture is? Is it buy a company, keep raising the price of the drugs until no insurance company or hospital can afford it, no investment in our people or science ...then discard everything when your done. Hope you make a lot of money???

So HO...I see the last poster really got your goat! I can tell you almost responded from Hawaii at 3:30 AM! Dont worry, we all know that any time you can fire all of our asses! Too bad by the time you lay us all off and get the new people up and running the drug won't be covered anymore! I know you hate to think reps actually got you by the tail!! You say you have two companies, Acthar and Mallinckrodt...but you never assimilated the other companies you bought either. Please let us know exactly what Mallinckrodt's culture is? Is it buy a company, keep raising the price of the drugs until no insurance company or hospital can afford it, no investment in our people or science ...then discard everything when your done. Hope you make a lot of money???

It's the same situation across the entire company, so do not single out HO on this. The employee engagement results should point out that as well.

I disagree...we sat behind HO at the national meeting awards banquet when we were still Questcor...HO couldn't help slamming Eldon publicly, semi- privately any time he could...on stage, loudly at the table...very bizarre behavior for buying a company out that you want to integrate.

Now that could be a good debate... but I agree HO couldn't pull it together enough to not trash Edson. It was entertaining... I never saw such a lack of professionalism... no wonder everyone freaks out after they get bought by Malli!!

That national sales meeting where HO poked fun of Eldon was the worst that I have seen in my whole career. He is just a bully. Eldon took care of his sales force. These assholes ruin everything that they touch. Keep raising those prices. Pretty soon no one will cover Acthar.

Say what you want about QCOR but from a Rep viewpoint it was an amazing company! They knew how to motivate, show appreciation and retain the reps who could sell Acthar. MNK Is the opposite of QCOR. I will be gone before the end of the year and look forward to a much better situation.

Exactly!!! This group doesn't know how to motivate!! They don't understand rare disorders so how can they lead rare diseases... impossible. Their expertise is generic drugs, and see how well they did with that? Something definitely is missing. HO doesn't understand rare disorders.. so that is probably why they hired the girl to be in charge of ARD. That way they don't have to fire HO for ARD's problems that he created! I also wonder where the survey results are.... they probably aren't sure what to do with the survey results either!!

Exactly!!! This group doesn't know how to motivate!! They don't understand rare disorders so how can they lead rare diseases... impossible. Their expertise is generic drugs, and see how well they did with that? Something definitely is missing. HO doesn't understand rare disorders.. so that is probably why they hired the girl to be in charge of ARD. That way they don't have to fire HO for ARD's problems that he created! I also wonder where the survey results are.... they probably aren't sure what to do with the survey results either!!

HO only knows primary care, big market products from Sanofi. He is riding being loosely affiliated with Genzyme to claim he knows orphan drugs. All he thinks he knows is that he can command higher prices from a small but captive patient group. The jig is up on Acthar price gouging and HO doesn't have a clue in his big Mellon head what to do.

HO only knows primary care, big market products from Sanofi. He is riding being loosely affiliated with Genzyme to claim he knows orphan drugs. All he thinks he knows is that he can command higher prices from a small but captive patient group. The jig is up on Acthar price gouging and HO doesn't have a clue in his big Mellon head what to do.
He raises the price to make the few payer plans still reimbursing for Acthar cover the cost of the plans that wont approve for the patients that get it free. If only the plans that still cover it only knew how much they are getting ripped off, especially Medicare.

Lets see what the q2 numbers say in August report. Price increase padded them in q1 but that wont help on qtr over qtr if volume is down for q2. if q2 beats q1 then things are still good

HO only knows primary care, big market products from Sanofi. He is riding being loosely affiliated with Genzyme to claim he knows orphan drugs. All he thinks he knows is that he can command higher prices from a small but captive patient group. The jig is up on Acthar price gouging and HO doesn't have a clue in his big Mellon head what to do.
Hugh is a bum. Knows nothing. No one likes his Mellon head. Time for change.