HIV- South West Region


Now I hear the only drama is with the crazy RD who cares only about appearances. Duh, Martha, dont walk into an inner city clinic where all the patients are struggling and/or homeless wearing your $500 suit with your $500 shoes and your $1000 bag- you just dont get it do you? You embarass everyone and all the docs/office staff makes fun of you. Stop worrying about your looks and start worrying about the patients living with HIV and those who can barely put food on the table (let alone handle their own medical care). Disgrace.

Now I hear the only drama is with the crazy RD who cares only about appearances. Duh, Martha, dont walk into an inner city clinic where all the patients are struggling and/or homeless wearing your $500 suit with your $500 shoes and your $1000 bag- you just dont get it do you? You embarass everyone and all the docs/office staff makes fun of you. Stop worrying about your looks and start worrying about the patients living with HIV and those who can barely put food on the table (let alone handle their own medical care). Disgrace.

Is she trying to get into that Miss La Raza pageant again?

Boy it is pretty amazing that all people talk about with this manager is her looks. What does that say about her abilities-not much. You wonder how she got where she is.....female, hispanic, I guess that is what it takes now to get promoted. I am sure more qualified candidates got passed over so that a company could make their quota.

Yo gringo, relax. If you're good at what you do & you stand out - you will get the job. Also, being good looking always helps in life. I guess you don't know this because you're ugly.

You are so naive.....Do you really think that pharma does not have quotas. I agree that looks always help but that does not mean that the other factors mentioned here are not relevant. Plenty of people are talented, and yes good looking, but they do not check the other boxes that this manager has.