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hiring process


Hi everyone, I'm new graduate to the industry. I had onsite interview 17 days ago and was told 5 candidates coming for interview. Yesterday I received an automatic email from hr asking for filling the EEO form and providing references. But no hr person contacted me. Does it mean the hiring process is moving on? or it's hopeless because I was told that no hope if no information from hr or hiring manager after two weeks.
Could anyone share a little bit about the hiring process in merck?
any input would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Hi everyone, I'm new graduate to the industry. I had onsite interview 17 days ago and was told 5 candidates coming for interview. Yesterday I received an automatic email from hr asking for filling the EEO form and providing references. But no hr person contacted me. Does it mean the hiring process is moving on? or it's hopeless because I was told that no hope if no information from hr or hiring manager after two weeks.
Could anyone share a little bit about the hiring process in merck?
any input would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Run as fast as you can away from Merck and the pharmaceutical industry...

Seriously, it is career suicide...

Could you tell me more? most of the people interviewed me have been in merck for 10+ years...
Serious question....who would stay at a company like Merck more than a couple years? This is a company you enter the field into, get trained, and then move to a company that pays much better. This is one of about 5 entry level companies.

Contrary to your misguided judgement we are the creme of the executive team. We develop implement and corner business opportunities and success is our reward.
We only hire the best!

Hahahahaha! Yeah, right. That’s why we’re in the shape we’re in. Blowhards like you who do shit, but talk a great game.

Hahahahaha! Yeah, right. That’s why we’re in the shape we’re in. Blowhards like you who do shit, but talk a great game.
I shouldn't need to point out the low level of cerebral functioning demonstrated by this ha ha imbecile. A truly inspiring humanoid. The deli service must have concluded spontaneously!

Hi everyone, I'm new graduate to the industry. I had onsite interview 17 days ago and was told 5 candidates coming for interview. Yesterday I received an automatic email from hr asking for filling the EEO form and providing references. But no hr person contacted me. Does it mean the hiring process is moving on? or it's hopeless because I was told that no hope if no information from hr or hiring manager after two weeks.
Could anyone share a little bit about the hiring process in merck?
any input would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.


I shouldn't need to point out the low level of cerebral functioning demonstrated by this ha ha imbecile. A truly inspiring humanoid. The deli service must have concluded spontaneously!

Says the turd who buys his business,kisses ass with lips like a plunger, and a nose so brown it looks like dirt.
You’re a Merckie, all right. A loser.

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