Hiring Process?


Just curious if this is the norm around here...Someone from HR phone screened me based on an app that I sent in via Linkedin.

Phone screen went very well.

Emailed me that I would do phone screen with hiring DM

Phone screen with hiring DM went very well.

HR rep sets up interview in another city with DM and two other management personnel.

Fly me out. Interview lasts about 2 hours. Interview goes great with all three managers.

Told that I will hear something soon.

It's been almost a month since....No call. No email. No letter.

I've emailed and called both the HR rep and hiring DM about a week ago....no response.

Obviously...The gig went to someone else or they have moved on...but just curious if the lack of communication is the norm?

Do you know if you passed the angle of the dangle test? You could not have been more than + 45 degrees or you would have been disqualified. Check with HR or your recruiter to see what your angle was. It should have been taken "soft", not "hard". Makes a big difference.