Hiring for New Surfactant Launch?

HAve you seen any adds? No, so we are not hiring you stupid shit! No wait till we post some ads then you can apply, if you have the qualifications.

HA HA HA...stick it..MAJOR OUCH TODAY HUH? now even MORE cash burn while reps sit around waiting for a real launch. oh they'bb be busy yes..BUT..DSCO will have no revenue until...well into 2013.

So screw your sh)tty atttiude there home office boy!

Attention DSCO reps: They will never tell you the truth. For nearly a decade they told the market the drug would be here any minute. Why should they treat you any differently. There are good jobs out there. Get one. This won't look good on your resume that you had to stick around and wait on Surfaxin. Or maybe you want to be a disposable device rep? Unfortunately, that market is full with experienced J&J, Covidien, Medtronic, etc. reps who will always get the device job first. I'm not trying to be cruel. This is just the truth.

Attention DSCO reps: They will never tell you the truth. For nearly a decade they told the market the drug would be here any minute. Why should they treat you any differently. There are good jobs out there. Get one. This won't look good on your resume that you had to stick around and wait on Surfaxin. Or maybe you want to be a disposable device rep? Unfortunately, that market is full with experienced J&J, Covidien, Medtronic, etc. reps who will always get the device job first. I'm not trying to be cruel. This is just the truth.

Relax hater. We're still here, we still have product to sell. How's Cornerstone doing with your new CV drug?