Spend ~900 dollars and get Rosetta Stone chinese (5 DVD). This will take about 12 -18 months. Tax deduct this on your Form-1040.
There are no jobs created with ~4.8 trillion dollars that the Federal Reserve printed. All the money went into to stabilizing the European governments via Goldman, JPM, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, USB, etc... This is why those companies dole out $480,000 bonus to *every* employee in 2010 (last Christmas).
No pharma is hiring an unemployed employees, especially true for Lilly -- since Lilly signed a Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) that you signed in Nov 2009.
If you still have a job, just go to *any* pharma company. They will most likely take you as a defector - just like Libyan pilots who defected to Malta, a few days ago. By defecting you wont get all teh benefits of severance package, but you will have a job that will last longer than 2 years. Right now, your job is under guillotine and that can drop at any moment John Christain Liecheater's hysteria goes into effect.
-Unemployed person