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Hiring at Sanofi


new user
  • HJA   Feb 16, 2020 at 06:59: PM
applied for a business role and went on several interviews between December and January. No news weeks after my final interview and workday status remains under consideration.

Does anyone know if there’s a hiring freeze at sanofi or if I’m effectively rejected?

applied for a business role and went on several interviews between December and January. No news weeks after my final interview and workday status remains under consideration.

Does anyone know if there’s a hiring freeze at sanofi or if I’m effectively rejected?
I do hope for your sake you have some other irons in the fire; company is in disarray and it may be a blessing if nothing pans out here... new ceo is trying to make sense of inherited clusterfuck, former ceo was a complete jag off.

I do hope for your sake you have some other irons in the fire; company is in disarray and it may be a blessing if nothing pans out here... new ceo is trying to make sense of inherited clusterfuck, former ceo was a complete jag off.

Sanofi has been a mess since 2005. Worst management in the industry. A revolving door of CEO's. Everyone of them incompetent. This latest polished turd has done nothing special. Hatchet man who has done nothing but cut. No strategy. Amazing oncology was huge division at one time but strategy was get out if oncology from 2004-2010. Now this new moron is all in with oncology. Remember the big push into consumer sales that would be the new cash cow. Sanofi was propped up for years based on 4 medications. When they went generic the company was left with their pants around their ankles floundering through 8 CEO's. Stay away from this company.

i know everyone on cp says "stay away, this company is a dumpster fire" but in all honesty sanofi is a pile of dog shit. stay away. too many white hair reps hangin on prayin for severance, or botox queens who have managed to stay employed by shaking their tits and doing a lunch every quarter. management is about as intelligent as monkey flinging feces at themselves and the company literally has no clue what the plan is for the next 12 months. sanofi is the literal definition of a dumpster fire.

i know everyone on cp says "stay away, this company is a dumpster fire" but in all honesty sanofi is a pile of dog shit. stay away. too many white hair reps hangin on prayin for severance, or botox queens who have managed to stay employed by shaking their tits and doing a lunch every quarter. management is about as intelligent as monkey flinging feces at themselves and the company literally has no clue what the plan is for the next 12 months. sanofi is the literal definition of a dumpster fire.
OMG, this is GOLD!

I BELLIEVE THERE IS A HIRING FREEZE. the person who interviewed you is an idiot. they wasted your time. call and see when the hiring freeze will be started again ,if there are new hires again.
CEO wants to save 2 billion by 2022 That a lot less reps , bonus, lunches and meeting. By the way, the best part of Sanofi is most meeting are no via Zoom - this is the best part.

i know everyone on cp says "stay away, this company is a dumpster fire" but in all honesty sanofi is a pile of dog shit. stay away. too many white hair reps hangin on prayin for severance, or botox queens who have managed to stay employed by shaking their tits and doing a lunch every quarter. management is about as intelligent as monkey flinging feces at themselves and the company literally has no clue what the plan is for the next 12 months. sanofi is the literal definition of a dumpster fire.

muh diversity, muh inclusion

Run from this company unless absolutely desperate. This means if your family is kidnapped and held for ransom meaning the only way you see your wife and kids again is to get hired by Sanofi then do it . Other than that RUN!!

Central Region Business Director V.C. (Very Crazy) is complete moron. Has run 4 women out of our region with her micromanaging primary care ways. Run scream away and be glad you don’t work here.

Central Region Business Director V.C. (Very Crazy) is complete moron. Has run 4 women out of our region with her micromanaging primary care ways. Run scream away and be glad you don’t work here.

The worst place I have ever worked at . Even if you don't have a job, don't come here. If you do, and something else pops up, having Sanofi on your resume is a negative

Pay is the worst in the industry and vaccines pay is like Walmart compensation
Company obsessed with saving money so that means NO raises, bonus are cut at the end of the year if company does not meet goal. Can you believe that?
In vaccines if you don't make the last quarter, super high goal quota in
the 4th quarter, YOU OWE THE COMPANY MONEY. THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE. Reps owned money "back " to company in the 4th quarter because they did not make their goal for year. SHOULD I KEEP GOING?? And the money is taken from your next bonus.
layoff at Christmas time-these are mean fucking people
You pay for the company car, the company forces you to take a n equinox but you pay $170 per month IF YOU USE OR DONT USE. Insurance costs are the highest in industry.

You raises are voted on by management!!! yes, if you are new or unknown, , you will not get a penny because mgt does not know you . you depend you the asshole DM you have to advocate for your raise!!! HORRIBLE.

The worst place I have ever worked at . Even if you don't have a job, don't come here. If you do, and something else pops up, having Sanofi on your resume is a negative

Pay is the worst in the industry and vaccines pay is like Walmart compensation
Company obsessed with saving money so that means NO raises, bonus are cut at the end of the year if company does not meet goal. Can you believe that?
In vaccines if you don't make the last quarter, super high goal quota in
the 4th quarter, YOU OWE THE COMPANY MONEY. THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE. Reps owned money "back " to company in the 4th quarter because they did not make their goal for year. SHOULD I KEEP GOING?? And the money is taken from your next bonus.
layoff at Christmas time-these are mean fucking people
You pay for the company car, the company forces you to take a n equinox but you pay $170 per month IF YOU USE OR DONT USE. Insurance costs are the highest in industry.

You raises are voted on by management!!! yes, if you are new or unknown, , you will not get a penny because mgt does not know you . you depend you the asshole DM you have to advocate for your raise!!! HORRIBLE.

This is nothing new at Sanofi. Business as usual. I did two tours in Afghanistan and I put my years in with Sanofi as equal stress. It's that bad at Sanofi! I didnt make this up.