Hip hip Hooray!


Big Launch. Big Drug. We got that. What about bonus structure. Lowest paid primary care salesforce in the industry. Silly projects, Teams meetings out the back side. Champs doing what the managers should be. It is time to pay your work horses well. And before the comments regarding who works harder come, there are slackers everywhere, so please don’t. We will ooze with enthusiasm when you announce incentives. Best make it worthwhile. Managers can only cushion and build up what the company gives us so far.

Big Launch. Big Drug. We got that. What about bonus structure. Lowest paid primary care salesforce in the industry. Silly projects, Teams meetings out the back side. Champs doing what the managers should be. It is time to pay your work horses well. And before the comments regarding who works harder come, there are slackers everywhere, so please don’t. We will ooze with enthusiasm when you announce incentives. Best make it worthwhile. Managers can only cushion and build up what the company gives us so far.

why are you expecting large bonuses? The target payout for bonuses stays the same weather we launch or not, we compete versus the goals, and the goals are going to be huge! Bonus target payouts never change, and in years where we blow out sales the goals are increased quarterly to adjust in time to manage bonus payments. The way it has been done in the industry for years

Really sucks that Lilly does not pay for performance. I worked for Lilly for well over a decade, but finally realized I was consistently being straight up lied to when it came to compensation… I remember Lilly was always pushing the narrative about how they evaluate compensation (base salary, bonus structure/payouts, etc.) vs other big pharma competitors.
Well I finally got smart and decided to get an interview w/ one of those competitors……and
WHAT A DAMN SHAME THAT LILLY 100% LIES TO REPS ABOUT - having our best interests and how our compensation is among the best in the industry & we should feel proud/thankful.

Since leaving Lilly (best financial decision I have ever made) I have made north of 3 times more in bonuses (not shared district quota BS either) and have enjoyed 2 President Council equivalent trips in my short tenure w/ my current pharma company.

Leaving Lilly was in deed really hard emotionally due to all the great people I worked w/ (including my manager). I do still stay in touch, but I just don’t have the heart to tell them how they are being screwed financially as well 100% abused w/ all the “WOKE LILLY BS”.
What a damn pity, but I sure do like all the $ my Lilly stock/dividends have gained over the past few years, so suck it up buttercups & go sell the shit out of that new T2D drug & then go conquer the weight loss market in a few years so I can move up my retirement date down the road!

BTW, my current position is very similar to HCP specialty mix as well as territory footprint vs my old position at Lilly, thus my comparison is most definitely “Apples to Apples”.