Hindu holy man reveals truth of terror attacks blamed on Muslims

India is being forced to confront disturbing evidence that increasingly suggests a secret Hindu terror network may have been responsible for a wave of deadly attacks previously blamed on radical Muslims.


Holy shit! You did it again!

"India is being forced to confront disturbing evidence that increasingly suggests a secret Hindu terror network may have been responsible for a wave of deadly attacks previously blamed on radical Muslims."

Holy shit! You did it again!

Let's talk about 'did it again', cut and run boy . . .

Maybe you forgot about this response to RAB on another thread:

When did you stop fucking your mother? Answer specifically please.

http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=451815 (Post #20)

It looks like BB has some explaining to do as regards to his incest laced post as he has been called out again for this type of posting. Bubble Boy has been proven to be the biggest hypocritical whiner ever to grace this board. Being the coward that he is, Bubble Boy has run away from his disgusting post time and time again. The whole board now knows where you are coming from and even the cons are embrassed by you.

I fell sorry for your family in having to live with a piece of human debris such as yourself.


are you serious? theres a link to the story. i just wrote the first paragraph of the article and provided the link. if i wanted to pretend that it was mine, i wouldnt BE PROVIDING THE LINK TO THE STORY.

Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. If that is what you really intended, just put quotes around the phrase. They're very cheap, and it's how you were taught to do it in your 9th grade English class.