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High Performers that get Axed


Okay so here is the Novo Million Dollar Question. Anyone know of any representatives who have had high performance as in high market share and it went flat that have been fired. With all the negative plublicity things are not looking good. I work in the midwest and have performed year in and year out but in the last year I have been flat. Now I am getting pressure from my manager who is getting pressure from his manager to increase business or the writing is on the wall. I always knew this company was great to work for when you are performing but to be on this end of the spectrum and not really have much control over the situation with all the lawyers ads and all is a new perspective. I don't hate the company but want to know if anyone is aware of this situation. Not sure I can do anything to change the current trend and that is not my fault but my manager is basically saying it is. Granted she is a micromanaging unrealisti bitch but hey she drinks so much corporate Kool-Aid that she sweats it. Damn I hate the smell strawberry Kool-Aid.
So there it is, any insight, truly I think if we get enough people together this is grounds for a class action law-suit against one of Forbes Top 100 employers. (Man is that a joke!)


Okay so here is the Novo Million Dollar Question. Anyone know of any representatives who have had high performance as in high market share and it went flat that have been fired. With all the negative plublicity things are not looking good. I work in the midwest and have performed year in and year out but in the last year I have been flat. Now I am getting pressure from my manager who is getting pressure from his manager to increase business or the writing is on the wall. I always knew this company was great to work for when you are performing but to be on this end of the spectrum and not really have much control over the situation with all the lawyers ads and all is a new perspective. I don't hate the company but want to know if anyone is aware of this situation. Not sure I can do anything to change the current trend and that is not my fault but my manager is basically saying it is. Granted she is a micromanaging unrealisti bitch but hey she drinks so much corporate Kool-Aid that she sweats it. Damn I hate the smell strawberry Kool-Aid.
So there it is, any insight, truly I think if we get enough people together this is grounds for a class action law-suit against one of Forbes Top 100 employers. (Man is that a joke!)

If you're in the Midwest, you must know the history with MNSC and PCKF. Ask any of the reps that work for them.

They terminate people then withhold bonuses that should have been due to them. Company policy says you have to be employed on the day the bonus is paid out. So you earn a quarterly bonus and they fire you the day before it's paid out? No bonus. Earn a COE trip? They let you go and you lose that too.

as a former manager, document everything. From DM being drunk at a poa to positive things left out of fact reports. when push comes to shove one may be able to squeeze a little more $$$ from severance. I am a high performer but the afore mentioned "push out " items are happening to me now even though there are lesser performing reps within the district.

its not about performance anymore. its about whose ass you kiss the best. I am 102.5% on both products and still catching shit.

Same here! It is never enough. God forbid if your manager doesn't think your sales style gels with the rest of your team - even if your numbers are great - it's like they are looking for cookie cutter reps.

If you have more than 6 years and have been given good raises, you are a PRIME target! They will PIP you out and hire someone for 2/3 of what they pay you, just to mix things up, a bit. Managers are graded on their performance by how they can put the screws on the team... she will get the Regional off her back for 6-9 months just by releasing you, and she gets props for being a hard-ass. Make sure you are constantly working your "out-game" as much as your job performance!!! This is true for EVERYONE!

Same here! It is never enough. God forbid if your manager doesn't think your sales style gels with the rest of your team - even if your numbers are great - it's like they are looking for cookie cutter reps.

they want cookie cutter everything: reps, DBM's and RBD's. If your RBD or DBM has no imagination or skill, they will allow this company to cover you over with useless paperwork and time-sucking busywork. If they DO have skill or imagination, they will be terminated.

If you have more than 6 years and have been given good raises, you are a PRIME target! They will PIP you out and hire someone for 2/3 of what they pay you, just to mix things up, a bit. Managers are graded on their performance by how they can put the screws on the team... she will get the Regional off her back for 6-9 months just by releasing you, and she gets props for being a hard-ass. Make sure you are constantly working your "out-game" as much as your job performance!!! This is true for EVERYONE!

And be on the lookout if you win COE. Just before bonus is payable and before the trip takes place, you can be axed and get none of it. I pity the poor fools who don't realize the direction Novo has started taking. Oh....and if your manager (DBM or RBD) comments on how high your salary is -- you are done.

If you have more than 6 years and have been given good raises, you are a PRIME target! They will PIP you out and hire someone for 2/3 of what they pay you, just to mix things up, a bit. Managers are graded on their performance by how they can put the screws on the team... she will get the Regional off her back for 6-9 months just by releasing you, and she gets props for being a hard-ass. Make sure you are constantly working your "out-game" as much as your job performance!!! This is true for EVERYONE!

Never forget that managers can receive accolades from their boss for FIRING one of their direct reports. Part of their job description is to be able to fire someone when warranted. And maybe even if it isnt warranted!

After my manger fired a person her RBD had a team dinner. At the team dinner the RBD was making jokes how she broke her cherry because she did her first firing. She said Novo doesn't do lay offs they fire. It was so sad because they didn't seem to care this guy did nothing wrong.

Same here! It is never enough. God forbid if your manager doesn't think your sales style gels with the rest of your team - even if your numbers are great - it's like they are looking for cookie cutter reps.

wait until another glp1 comes out and there is an inevitable slippage. it will be a real shirtstorm.

even if a doc is 100% V, my boss whines. Why didnt you get him to increase it?

wait until another glp1 comes out and there is an inevitable slippage. it will be a real shirtstorm.

even if a doc is 100% V, my boss whines. Why didnt you get him to increase it?

Well why didn't you? I make my numbers every time by doing just that, convincing doctors to use V instead of those placebo like DPPIV's. I never mention any drugs that start w B. Never sleep with my docs. Am not married or engaged to any customers. I just sell against the weak DPPIV's.
It really works.