High deductibles fuel new worries of Obamacare sticker shock

Have you stopped to calculate what the insurance companies stand to make on Obama Care?

Heard a story on Fox last night about a family of 4 whose premium used to be about $600 a month and deductible was $1,000. Policy was canceled. Obama Care policy will be $1,100 a month premium and $2,500 deductible.

Premium goes up $6,000/year, and the insurance company won't pay out a penny, unless there's a catastrophic illness.

The insurance company has made $7,500 on this family alone. This is why the insurance companies were willing to be in cahoots with the Obama crooks in Washington.

But wait!! There's more!! Now Aetna says they will not comply with Obama's orders to reinstate old policies. It's all going to come tumbling down.