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High Deductible Health Plan?


I'm considering a position but read that Lilly only offers 2 consumer driven deductible health plans and was totally surprised to see that a pharmaceutical company would not have better health insurance for its employees. Can anyone comment on their experience/opinion of the Lilly health plan?

High deductible and if a generic medication available and you want the brand, you would have to pay the difference. Contradicts a pharmaceutical company who is pushing brand medications. But that's Lilly for you.

I'm considering a position but read that Lilly only offers 2 consumer driven deductible health plans and was totally surprised to see that a pharmaceutical company would not have better health insurance for its employees. Can anyone comment on their experience/opinion of the Lilly health plan?

It sucks. It was a major hit. A job is a job, so I'm not telling you not to take it, but don't ever fall for the lifetime crap.

I'm considering a position but read that Lilly only offers 2 consumer driven deductible health plans and was totally surprised to see that a pharmaceutical company would not have better health insurance for its employees. Can anyone comment on their experience/opinion of the Lilly health plan?

Another reason why Lilly is the worst major company in industry.

We're a joke Lilly.