You are right about selling the parts. The analysis says that B+L does not fit J&J, or Abbotts business model. It was the CEO and Chairman's job for the last few years to get B+L organization into a sellable company. If the company can not be sold into the three logical separate business units to make the same price as selling the whole thing than the CEO and chairman did not do their jobs.
The seller should meet the buyers needs. To expect these companies to buy business units that they do not need is asking too much. Sell the Pharma unit to pfizer for 4 billion, the Vision Care unit to J&J for 4 billion, and the surgical business to Metronics for 2 billion. This type of deal is why the CEO and chairman get paid the big bucks. WP should demand that the management explain why the business units can not be sold separately and if not reorganize the company so that they can.