HHS Admits: You Might Not Be Able to Keep Your Doctor Under Obamacare

The Weekly Standard has as little credibility as the Fox Channel.

Read the story. It is a quote from the White House's own webpage.

It is a very sophomoric notion to discredit a story just based on the source. In reality, the Weekly Standard was requoting something from HHS.

I am a conservative and yet I read the HuffPo which is as far left as you can get short of Mother Jones, and yet I don't wish to remain closed minded to alternative views, so I go there daily.

Did you even read the story?

Read the story. It is a quote from the White House's own webpage.

It is a very sophomoric notion to discredit a story just based on the source. In reality, the Weekly Standard was requoting something from HHS.

I am a conservative and yet I read the HuffPo which is as far left as you can get short of Mother Jones, and yet I don't wish to remain closed minded to alternative views, so I go there daily.

Did you even read the story?

Libs are too lazy to read and to participate in a logical, rational debate. They prefer to chant bumper sticker slogans. Yes they do, yes they do, yes they do.