Hey Pfizer, A Big "Fuck You" to you and your Culture!


You have the temerity to wonder why your culture is Pfucked up? You lay off "colleagues" FIVE Days before Jesus's birthday and you wonder why your employees think you are a piece-of-SHIT. FUCK YOU PFIZER.


You have the temerity to wonder why your culture is Pfucked up? You lay off "colleagues" FIVE Days before Jesus's birthday and you wonder why your employees think you are a piece-of-SHIT. FUCK YOU PFIZER.

If you do a great job in increasing the value of Pfizer, you will be rewarded! If you are an average to below average contributor, we must show you the door. It is not personal but it is the nature of business. Happy Holidays to my fellow great contributors.

Depends on what calendar you follow. Some Orthodox follow the Gregorian Calendar which puts the birth of Christ on January 7th. It coencides with the Julian calendar of December 25.

Both answers are right.

Neither of the answers are correct. Those estimates put the CELEBRATION of Jesus' birth on different days, nothing more.

Back to topic at hand: everyone (Pfizer included) cuts right before year's end. BMS did it last year, Pfizer did it last year, Sanofi did it on two consecutive years. And those were major cuts of 25-40% of certain divisions (or in Pfizer's case, virtually 100% of CNS).

If you do a great job in increasing the value of Pfizer, you will be rewarded! If you are an average to below average contributor, we must show you the door. It is not personal but it is the nature of business. Happy Holidays to my fellow great contributors.

OK, let's tell the truth here. If management likes you, your job is safe. If management doesn't like you, you're out the door. It's all about likes and dislikes. The numbers may be used against you or they may be ignored. That's the nature of business. If you suck up enough you'll always have a job.

I thought I would be repulsed by your comments but I must say you are right on. Clean up the language though, you do not sound very credible if explitives are the only arsenal in your bag.

If you do a great job in increasing the value of Pfizer, you will be rewarded! If you are an average to below average contributor, we must show you the door. It is not personal but it is the nature of business. Happy Holidays to my fellow great contributors.[/QUE]

You're a complete fool if you believe that.

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