Hey Mitch, Hans is the problem

Hey Hans, bend over for some white glove customer service. You clueless, stupid a-hole. Too bad it took so long to expose the real truth about what's going on at DNDN.

Ironically, Wednesday's investor call took place during shark week. What a coincidence.

When is someone going to put the blame where it really belongs...Mitch Gold ! His comments on the earnings report as to why Drs weren't jumping on Provenge were prove his arrogance and ignorance. Everyone has been telling the Mgt. team for 6 months that reimbursement and cost were huge issues. Now Mr Gold acts like it's the first time Mgt.ever heard it. What morons !! Oh yeah, if Drs are balking due to reimbursement then it's obvious that they haven't been effectively sold the "Data". Maybe Mitch should run for congress as he's about their speed......worthless.