Congratulations! You crashed the stock price AGAIN!! Employees have zero confidence in you and we are all hoping that the board fires you YESTERDAY! Not holding my breath though as the board seems to be asleep at the switch.
Got an idea for you… why don’t you do the right thing and just RESIGN!! We all know that your resignation would be the best way for you to drive up the stock price. Wallstreet clearly despises you and has NO CONFIDENCE in you to lead this great company that you are destroying with your incompetence and stupidity. You suck and you know it! DO THE RIGHT THING AND QUIT!!!
Got an idea for you… why don’t you do the right thing and just RESIGN!! We all know that your resignation would be the best way for you to drive up the stock price. Wallstreet clearly despises you and has NO CONFIDENCE in you to lead this great company that you are destroying with your incompetence and stupidity. You suck and you know it! DO THE RIGHT THING AND QUIT!!!