Hey FDA? Same old Lilly - what are you doing?


So, how is it that Lilly can commit to build another Insulin manufacturing plant, get the FDA to go away, and then cancel the plant construction, and go back to doing things the way they always do at "we lie lilly?" How do they get away with this nonsense over and over? Do they have pictures on FDA inspectors or FDA Senior Administrators? Good grief, they are the primary supplier of insulin to Americans and it is made in a horrible factory - a single point of failure...how do they sleep at night?

So, how is it that Lilly can commit to build another Insulin manufacturing plant, get the FDA to go away, and then cancel the plant construction, and go back to doing things the way they always do at "we lie lilly?" How do they get away with this nonsense over and over? Do they have pictures on FDA inspectors or FDA Senior Administrators? Good grief, they are the primary supplier of insulin to Americans and it is made in a horrible factory - a single point of failure...how do they sleep at night?

Where have you been? Lilly has not been the primary supplier of insulin to Americans for quite a few years. We can thank the current and former members of the Lilly brain trust for that.

Here's a few for you:

Deploying IT systems with NO Validation testing during 1995-2000, because "the business units were responsible". Hope you all like to know that all the data used to create drugs during this time were essentially invalid.

Blatantly blaming contractors and service providers for any and all non-compliance with FDA rules. If you asked your management why we were not following FDA guidelines, they would say "well it's the service provider who is implementing, so we are not liable". So basically Lilly knew that things were not being done correctly, and did not act or even acknowledged they knew things were being done wrong. I hope all the managers who allowed this to happen are stricken with the fruits of their labor. I wouldn't touch a Lilly drug with a 100 ft pole.

Here's a few for you:

Deploying IT systems with NO Validation testing during 1995-2000, because "the business units were responsible". Hope you all like to know that all the data used to create drugs during this time were essentially invalid.

Blatantly blaming contractors and service providers for any and all non-compliance with FDA rules. If you asked your management why we were not following FDA guidelines, they would say "well it's the service provider who is implementing, so we are not liable". So basically Lilly knew that things were not being done correctly, and did not act or even acknowledged they knew things were being done wrong. I hope all the managers who allowed this to happen are stricken with the fruits of their labor. I wouldn't touch a Lilly drug with a 100 ft pole.

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