We need less managers ! Year of the field remember ? Many don’t know what’s going on and are useless and have their hands in so many “side projects” they aren’t really focused anyway all they are doing is checking a box . Do we need managers yes but they need more then 10/12 reps especially since there is an “area capabilities manager” who can easily fill in the gaps . It’s so hard to get into these offices anyway, with a manager in tow it’s worse, office know they either lurk, take up space and say nothing or don’t know when to stop talking. We know these offices we know how to “tread lightly”, when to push when to hold back or we should anyway. Make geographies larger and less managers! It actually hurts the access we do have when between the 3 reps in the geography with 3 different managers in the same offices. I realize the goal is to have everyone under one manager but that will make it worse bc the same manager is in the same 5 geographies ALL the time. I don’t know any other industry outside of pharma that follows its people all around . It’s a waste and perception is there are still to many of us so make the drugs cheaper and cut some overpaid mid level managers to help pay for it. Offices don’t see any differences between a rep and a manager they just see 2 nicely dressed people get out of their free cars with a box of coffee to “smooze” the staff as patients fight to pay for these drugs and offices fight to just get them. It’s perception these days and most are useless anyway and it’s to much !