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Hey CRT... Can you tell me


Why on earth we are getting together for fast start meetings next week? You did know that sales reps did get covid in vegas? What are we doing? Unreal.

oh stop, you meet with more than 10 at in services. Everyone is vaccinated with very few exemptions so the chance of catching it there is very low. In Vegas there were 100s of employees and we were walking through casinos with 1000s more unwashed and unvaxxed.

oh stop, you meet with more than 10 at in services. Everyone is vaccinated with very few exemptions so the chance of catching it there is very low. In Vegas there were 100s of employees and we were walking through casinos with 1000s more unwashed and unvaxxed.

Gosh, this person is so damn dumb. Do you work here?
We have 8 on our team. Three non vaccinated. The chances of getting covid would have been nil if we didn't go.

Vax’d, boosted, always masked and still got it. Fortunately no symptoms aside from a slight soar throat. So even vax’d, you are not safe.
Go hide in your closet in the fetal position from a SORE throat. You’ll be safe there. Did you actually think you would be 100% covered from the vaccine? So F’n dumb.

Why is the account team not allowed to be live with customers? Why won't they be at our fast start meetings? Hmmm

Oh and one employee didn't do so well with Covid when they got it in Vegas. How dumb is this company.

Live meetings to potentially get covid. Awesome.

E-mail from AVP tonight states “Managers are empowered to have the flexibility to conduct the meetings either in-person or virtually”
Do we have a choice to attend or are we reliant upon kiss ass managers whether the unveiling of the same old data in a forest plot format or new segmentation verbiage is more important than the safety of our employees, their families and communities.
No problem working so bite all your forked tongues you work from home employees in marketing, home office or management. Realize we on the front line simply don’t want to be trapped in meeting rooms and forced dinners with our peers 12 hours a day. The same peers we do miss but are also in and out of clinics with dumb ass patients begging for monoclonal antibody therapy for da ‘Rona because god forbid they get vaccinated.
Grow some stones upper management and mandate this meeting be virtual. We all know it’s “wink wink” our low level managers will follow us if they want to move up and those representatives who see this as a job and not one worth potentially dying for will be treated unfairly moving forward.
Now all you desk jockeys who’ve ruined a once great company go ahead with all your “do as your told or leave you lazy snowflake” comments while we on the front line keep the lights on in a morally dark company.

E-mail from AVP tonight states “Managers are empowered to have the flexibility to conduct the meetings either in-person or virtually”
Do we have a choice to attend or are we reliant upon kiss ass managers whether the unveiling of the same old data in a forest plot format or new segmentation verbiage is more important than the safety of our employees, their families and communities.
No problem working so bite all your forked tongues you work from home employees in marketing, home office or management. Realize we on the front line simply don’t want to be trapped in meeting rooms and forced dinners with our peers 12 hours a day. The same peers we do miss but are also in and out of clinics with dumb ass patients begging for monoclonal antibody therapy for da ‘Rona because god forbid they get vaccinated.
Grow some stones upper management and mandate this meeting be virtual. We all know it’s “wink wink” our low level managers will follow us if they want to move up and those representatives who see this as a job and not one worth potentially dying for will be treated unfairly moving forward.
Now all you desk jockeys who’ve ruined a once great company go ahead with all your “do as your told or leave you lazy snowflake” comments while we on the front line keep the lights on in a morally dark company.

Agree with this post. PASS THE BUCK TO US MANAGERS TO MAKE A HEALTH CARE DECISION? What in the world are you thinking NOVO. Do we not have a covid response team to help make the decison. Unbelievable.

E-mail from AVP tonight states “Managers are empowered to have the flexibility to conduct the meetings either in-person or virtually”
Do we have a choice to attend or are we reliant upon kiss ass managers whether the unveiling of the same old data in a forest plot format or new segmentation verbiage is more important than the safety of our employees, their families and communities.
No problem working so bite all your forked tongues you work from home employees in marketing, home office or management. Realize we on the front line simply don’t want to be trapped in meeting rooms and forced dinners with our peers 12 hours a day. The same peers we do miss but are also in and out of clinics with dumb ass patients begging for monoclonal antibody therapy for da ‘Rona because god forbid they get vaccinated.
Grow some stones upper management and mandate this meeting be virtual. We all know it’s “wink wink” our low level managers will follow us if they want to move up and those representatives who see this as a job and not one worth potentially dying for will be treated unfairly moving forward.
Now all you desk jockeys who’ve ruined a once great company go ahead with all your “do as your told or leave you lazy snowflake” comments while we on the front line keep the lights on in a morally dark company.