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Here's your proof you're getting laid off


Happy Monday.

Go to the "HP In the Know" from YL on 11/12. Scroll down to "HPBU announces the One TEAM approach." Click "learn more." Make sure you check out the One Team Portal.

"400 BIers."

Hope this helps everyone plan for the future. Best of luck to all.


Happy Monday.

Go to the "HP In the Know" from YL on 11/12. Scroll down to "HPBU announces the One TEAM approach." Click "learn more." Make sure you check out the One Team Portal.

"400 BIers."

Hope this helps everyone plan for the future. Best of luck to all.

Sorry, new person to the org here, where is HP in the know? I assume through MYBi somewhere? Can't seem to located this.

This person is correct. I found the Power Point Presentation that talks about how the recent changes in the industry caused BI to follow this new initiative starting next year. Not Good. In MYBI, search for "One Team Transforming Customer Experiences" and within the body of the letter, you will see highlighted in blue "here". Click that and you will see.

This person is correct. I found the Power Point Presentation that talks about how the recent changes in the industry caused BI to follow this new initiative starting next year. Not Good. In MYBI, search for "One Team Transforming Customer Experiences" and within the body of the letter, you will see highlighted in blue "here". Click that and you will see.

I had some trouble finding the powerpoint also , so I'll spell out I found it. I believe there are probably several different ways to get there though. I went to MYBi. In the top right search bar, I typed in "HP In the Know". I clicked the first link. On the right hand side scroll down to the Nov. 12th edition and click there. Then in the letter scroll down to One Team and click Learn More. Then you need to scroll almost all the way down. There is a sentence that says: "In the meantime, and to find out more about One TEAM, take a look at an overview here." The "here" is a Hyperlink to the power point. What OP is referring to, is slide #16. Have a look yourself if you'd like.
On the slide you'll see a part that says "Bi-ers" 400 colleagues. I have no idea why they think this somehow applies to us? On the same slide it also says 37 Markets, 67 capabilities, 14 partners, 6 customer types, 6 key external drivers, 3 archetypes. Do we seriously think we are moving to only 400 people across 37 markets?! What someone said earlier seems the most likely explanation? This is some kind of pilot and 400 people across the globe are working on it.
I agree, we are probably headed for a downsizing, it just makes sense, but this isn't the smoking gun we are looking for. Yes it's happening. No this document doesn't mean anything. I read the entire powerpoint. I'm probably the only one in the organization that did so haha. I'll agree there's some concerning language in there, but it's also realistic and happening industry wide. Is our access getting worse and worse across the country for ALL companies? Sure. Is there consolidation going on in various parts of the industry, both on our side, and the hospital side. Of course. Nothing in the entire document (sadly) gives us any realistic insight into our future here. No timings. No #s , nor %s regarding downsizing.
I will say, slide 5 is probably the most concerning. "Our product portfolio is shifting from primary care to specialty care. We'll increasingly focus on fewer customers, but these specialists will demand a greater depth of knowledge.....". Again though, nothing in this entire document gives us a clear understanding of our future. Hopefully this provides some clarity. Everyone can read the powerpoint for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

That 400 is referring to the number of bi colleagues working on this hair brained global initiative.
What usually happens at BI is these 400 leaders will come together, make a big mess, causing big change. In that process, there will be many ego battles. This will cause many of the people in charge to either leave or they will be asked to leave. It is not all about the good of the company. Much is about feeding self egos. That is where the damage occurs. Leading big projects looks really good on resumes. Look at the history of BI. No one is left from the original GTM project. Several got butt hurt and left, or got fired. Some went to other companies in higher positions as a result of their "experience here". You can read all about go to market on their LinkedIn page.

BI greatly continues to impress! It’s clearly a candidates market right now and there’s stiff competition for talent and many companies can’t fill vacancies.

However, we find BI downsizing!

I glad I left this pathetic organization with clueless leadership years ago and been in places with solid leadership.

Trust me, you should want to get a package as you’ll find a new opportunity quickly at a better company and will be able to double sub on income, assuming they are offering severance packages for those laid off!

You’re such a dumb ass. BI is NOT downsizing you moron. We let some idiots go because they would comply with the company’s mandatory vaccine policy. Simple. Fact is we have numerous roles posted externally that are waiting to be filled.

Maybe you should look at the other pharma companies that ARE actually downsizing (AZ, Biogen, etc).

You’re such a dumb ass. BI is NOT downsizing you moron. We let some idiots go because they would comply with the company’s mandatory vaccine policy. Simple. Fact is we have numerous roles posted externally that are waiting to be filled.

Maybe you should look at the other pharma companies that ARE actually downsizing (AZ, Biogen, etc).

Thanks for clarifying as I’m no longer a part of this hideous company. It’s also says a lot about the company and the type of people they had hired when a good % of the people need to be let go due to not being vaccinated!

Also, it’s rather cute that you’re passionate about this sinking ship of a place and don’t open yourself to the outside world where there’s many companies growing rapidly! Wonder who’s the real moron here?!

Thanks for clarifying as I’m no longer a part of this hideous company. It’s also says a lot about the company and the type of people they had hired when a good % of the people need to be let go due to not being vaccinated!

Also, it’s rather cute that you’re passionate about this sinking ship of a place and don’t open yourself to the outside world where there’s many companies growing rapidly! Wonder who’s the real moron here?!

what an idiotic post.

One thing for sure, you will see people in their true color when it comes to layoffs! People who should retire or could but choose not to because of one thing or another. Some think they are owed something first, you are not owed anything!

Thanks for clarifying as I’m no longer a part of this hideous company. It’s also says a lot about the company and the type of people they had hired when a good % of the people need to be let go due to not being vaccinated!

Also, it’s rather cute that you’re passionate about this sinking ship of a place and don’t open yourself to the outside world where there’s many companies growing rapidly! Wonder who’s the real moron here?!

idiotic company yet you can’t help but revisit the CP site. What a pathetic attempt on your part. The company is fortunate to NOT have you employed here.

congrats on finding something else that pays better, has better culture, nicer managers, better strategy, stronger pipeline, prettier reps, lots of equity, etc. we’re all so jealous and proud of you.

idiotic company yet you can’t help but revisit the CP site. What a pathetic attempt on your part. The company is fortunate to NOT have you employed here.

congrats on finding something else that pays better, has better culture, nicer managers, better strategy, stronger pipeline, prettier reps, lots of equity, etc. we’re all so jealous and proud of you.

Thank you for your kindness (sarcasm in case you don’t get it and need it spoon fed, just like the field at BI does as they can’t think for themselves!)!

I come on here to really see if there’s any progress since I had left as they were good people at the company when I was there. Unfortunately, the answer is NO as it’s the same stupid crap, if not worse!

Seriously, consider leaving as BI won’t do you any good!!

Thank you for your kindness (sarcasm in case you don’t get it and need it spoon fed, just like the field at BI does as they can’t think for themselves!)!

I come on here to really see if there’s any progress since I had left as they were good people at the company when I was there. Unfortunately, the answer is NO as it’s the same stupid crap, if not worse!

Seriously, consider leaving as BI won’t do you any good!!

In the past 4 days you’ve posted 3 times on CP. and during a major holiday break. You obviously have nothing better to do and your family/friends have zero interest in spending time with you; much like BI felt.

enjoy your time away from BI. As you can see, there’s been no progress since you left. And if your using CP to determine how things are at BI, consider the source. Only a-holes use CP (yes, I’m happy to admit I’m a c-sucker).

And now for something completely different. Has cafe pharma turned into 1 massive advertisement? The # of pop ups and ads is out of control.