I was one of the 1500 laidoff last Dec. and let me tell you that although I lost my job it has given me an opportunity to look at a career change out of pharma, sales and the whole BS of this industry. Novartis and the rest of the market will continue to shrink and layoff for the next 5 years. Many reliable reports from WSJ and marketwatch along with creditable economists predicts that 80-90% of all sales forces will be gone. Abbott just announced they will spin off their pharma division for the next couple of years and concentrate on specialty markets. Novartis has made things worse by creating me-too drugs such as Tekturna and Valturna that are not efective and cost much more than the generic market meds that do have better outcomes and efficacy.
What is disturbing about Novartis and the Pharma industry is the arrogance of the management and higher-ups. They have ruined many aspects of this industry and more is coming. Our beloved and worthless NE President Chris Kaplan(Spooky Dude) has quickly resigned and the new rumor on Wall-Street is that 40% of US sales will be eliminated. This is not including the 900 they mentioned in October. This is pretty spooky.
As for me I am going back to school for a second masters degree in Computer Sci/IT info systems. The tech jobs are the future. Also, I am seriously looking at a Federal career that has more opportunity and pays extremely well such as the FDA, DEA, Health & Human Ser. Dept., Federal Reserve Bank and etc. Job security, better benefits and competitive pay with no BS or kissing manager's and doctor's asses.