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Here in Canada!


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Thank your buddy Barry and his forty thieves.
When America finally says “enough” to supporting and defending the world, people like you get on your sanctimonious high horses and start your BS.
Better take a hard look at your own country; you certainly aren’t Utopia.
Without America, China and Russia would own the world.

Thank your buddy Barry and his forty thieves.
When America finally says “enough” to supporting and defending the world, people like you get on your sanctimonious high horses and start your BS.
Better take a hard look at your own country; you certainly aren’t Utopia.
Without America, China and Russia would own the world.

Actually they likely will soon. As we abandon South America and other allies and continue our withdrawal from the world stage, China, even as we speak is in the process of talking over South America.

They can have those S- holes. When we need more drugs and oil we’ll just take them.

Argentina & Brazil are shitholes? Brazil has cut oil consumption in half and their transportation energy is produced entirely within. You need to get on a plane and learn about what you're talking about.

Oh really? Have you been to South America recently? I have. Communism is doing it's best to become entrenched in Brazil - sending doctors to their universities, etc.

Brazil has been a basket case for s long time now and is ripe for this. You can't blame Trump for this. Good grief!

And if it's that bad then why are you stupid enough to go there voluntarily? Oh yeah, brothels!

Brazil has been a basket case for s long time now and is ripe for this. You can't blame Trump for this. Good grief!

And if it's that bad then why are you stupid enough to go there voluntarily? Oh yeah, brothels!

It's a wonderful life there. Ecuador is right in line. You wouldn't know because you're sheltered in North Carolina.

Argentina & Brazil are shitholes? Brazil has cut oil consumption in half and their transportation energy is produced entirely within. You need to get on a plane and learn about what you're talking about.

You're the one who said they were going commie? Now if things are moving in such a great direction there how can this be. Or is it just that you're a schizoid knucklehead? :D

You're the one who said they were going commie? Now if things are moving in such a great direction there how can this be. Or is it just that you're a schizoid knucklehead? :D

Doomskid - they are trying to get in everywhere - not just there, not just here.

Doomskid - they are trying to get in everywhere - not just there, not just here.

Nope, as usual when you get caught you try to change your tune and squirm out of your jam. You were wailing about the commies and now you want to claim that things are just peachy keen and the commies are no worse there than anywhere else. Nope, that ain't gonna fly.

Nope, as usual when you get caught you try to change your tune and squirm out of your jam. You were wailing about the commies and now you want to claim that things are just peachy keen and the commies are no worse there than anywhere else. Nope, that ain't gonna fly.

Hunh? Have you gone stark raving mad?

Please tell me how you physically or mentally function with your head so far up your butt.

LOL, Sparky, I've spent time outside of NoCa and the states. I have fiends (good friends) in London. Africa, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Mexico & Columbia. The amazing thing is this: They all lead wonderful lives. :cool:

LOL, Sparky, I've spent time outside of NoCa and the states. I have fiends (good friends) in London. Africa, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Mexico & Columbia. The amazing thing is this: They all lead wonderful lives. :cool:

And so do I, and my friends. What’s your point? The only way to have a miserable life is to listen and react to politics.
All the bluster, bullshit, corruption, lying, cheating, etc. will never change significantly, and it won’t touch those who won’t let it.
Politics is a comedic amusement for me. It’s all just so much crap. I must admit, I’d love to see many of the scumbags masquerading as statesman/women, got theirs.
Have never had much use for many politicians. The good ones get pounded and the bad ones get rich, wherever one lives. If their crap doesn’t smell up my bathroom, I don’t care if they live or die, and they don’t care about me or you.
America is still the best place to live on this earth, despite all the politicians trying to milk her for for all they can and give it away to whoever can send the most immigrants or own our debt.

So true. My Montreal friends just shake their heads. They tell me that we could have had an intelligent women with a squeaky clean record as President. But instead, you have a buffoon. The main question they ask, how could the USA go from an intelligent black man to a stupid white guy?