Hemlibra - Guess Roche isn’t afraid of Flem

Masterful strategy by our Board and leadership. Another Shire franchise threatened by competitors who are smarter and more strategic that we are.

The best part is this has the potential to destroy hemophilia franchise at Shire. Karma is a bitch and so is the C suite at Shire. By the way, nice job trying to cover up FEIBA is causing TMA when used for BTB with Hemlibra. NovoSeven will be the go to for BTB and FEIBA will be a dead dog soon.

This is what happens when you rely on consultants and have a rudderless ship, and you have to resort to lawyers in desperation. So now we have another competitor that will eat our lunch. I get the Board could care less about morale, but the stock price and our stupid strategies that don’t work ought to get their attention. What a suckhole we’ve become, and another failure chalked up to Flemming’s poor performance.

Baxalta could have figured out a way to be successful.

Im sure you are right that Baxalta would have been successful. Shire was successful until twiddle dum(FO) twiddle dee (PS) and twiddle ho (KK) took over. Whatever is the opposite of having the Midas touch they got it. Whatever they touch turns to doodoo...

FO and his dwarves had a history of failure and litigation that was public well before their hiring. It was all over CP at the time, and easy to Google. The facts (and stock price) speak for themselves - possibly the worst CEO hire ever.

Roche and Genentech are far superior to Shire in every aspect. Why would they be afraid of this hole?

As a former Genentech/Roche employee, that company is far from what it once was. The recent layoffs and ongoing thumbing their nose at customers have impacted morale. They may burn themselves before you know it.