

If a manager consistently makes disparaging remarks about a subordinate to other employees, what should they do?

I was warned HR would just protect manager, get rid of employee.

A couple of reps, who the comments were made to, will step up.

Depends on the remark.... If it is racist, sexist etc. Manager could be fired. If it is about performance, you both will be called to a come to jesus meeting with HR...

Sorry your toast, the manager is setting you up.

Not good advise.
Unlike Uber or other places around, I've personally seen action taken on these cases.
But again, "disparaging" has a wide range. If it is work quality related, it is a grey area. If it is something else, you shouldn't fear repercussions.....

If a manager consistently makes disparaging remarks about a subordinate to other employees, what should they do?

I was warned HR would just protect manager, get rid of employee.

A couple of reps, who the comments were made to, will step up.

HR represents the company and management. At a previous company a Rep thought he was doung the right thing by reporting a manager for same type of behavior. That Rep was fired. I have not had any personal experience with Genentech HR but assume it is the same everywhere. You protect management and the company from lawsuits.

If a manager consistently makes disparaging remarks about a subordinate to other employees, what should they do?

I was warned HR would just protect manager, get rid of employee.

A couple of reps, who the comments were made to, will step up.

Some fairly good advice on here so far. 1. Be careful, once an investigation is opened up the whole team will be looked into. 2. Disparaging remarks as someone else said have a wide range, what might be in bad taste might not actually be illegal or a fireable offense. 3. I have dealt with HR they will do what is right for the company, it does not matter employee or manager they will protect the company based on the law. Finally does the employee want help? They may be fine with the comments, they may also have much larger issues or problems than the manager. The manager might have legitimate concerns that they can not vocalize.

Best of luck.

Look at it this way, if they want you gone, you are gone unless, it is happening to a lot of people that are willing to come forward. that will not happen. The company is looking at getting rid of older employees because we are moving towards a primary care type sale now. Genentech is a good company but, like others companies can't be honest enough with the employees to tell them the truth, which is, we are just a pharma company now and we will be acting like one. I've been here 6 years and there have been a lot of changes in that short time.

If a manager consistently makes disparaging remarks about a subordinate to other employees, what should they do?

I was warned HR would just protect manager, get rid of employee.

A couple of reps, who the comments were made to, will step up.

pick up your DM's kids at school for them, run errands for them, party with them and their spouse with all sorts of alcohol and drugs, and you should be just fine...the mgr will continue to climb the ranks and even if you do something illegal, you should be protected if u help them get promoted