
I have a pretty stable good job right now, but of course as every good sales person thinks, where can I make more money? I have been interviewing for a lot of medical device companies. I am on my last leg with covidien right now, but from some of the things I have heard and read on this website, I'm a little nervous about the company. Can someone who is knowledgeable about this company/industry in general help point me in the right direction? I would really appreciate the help since covidien wants an answer soon. Thank you!!

We need more specifics..... Position, location, etc. One thing for sure is that some divisions are doing well, and some are not. And if comes down to who you repor to.

Great product, solid clinical application. MD Call point is decent, but rarely willing to drive deals for you.

Biggest problem is money. Few (20%~) made plan last year, this year will likely be the same.