Helen T: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil


There are folks in NBU marketing who have information about Helen and how she is harming Amgen. Hopefully, soon they will conculde that it is better to tell the truth and shame the devil than to remain silent.

There's more than one way to skin a cat; there is more than one way to do something. It is an easy concept to understand for everyone except for Helen. The way Helen criticizes people because they don’t write and think the way she does is unprofessional and rude. It is all going back to her micromanagement style. Helen has to be involved in everything. She wants to closely control the work of the staffs even on small tasks. Helen doesn’t understand the concept of giving general instructions on smaller task while supervising larger concerns. She has to monitor and assess every step. She doesn't understand that in contrast to the sales folks, marketing people tend to be more analytical and articulate. She can't (mis)treat us they way she does it to the sales folks. "My way or highway" doesn't work in the marketing group.

Higher-ups in Amgen have turned a blind eye to crude management style as typified by Helen T because the numbers are good so far. Staffs similarly don’t speak up about Helen T because they don't want to sound like whiners or risk their jobs. Numbers are good for several reasons but they most certainly have nothing to do with Helen. The credit for the sales should go to the people who do their work despite all the obstacles and objects thrown at them by Helen T and her cronies. Toxic Managers such as Helen survive their mistreatment of people because HR tolerates their behaviors.

Helen is a very difficult person to work for. Helen T should be an HR issue and concern because at the very least, there's the morale issue. Bad managers such as Helen tend to infect their departments with bad attitudes. It's like a disease: They spread despair, anger and depression.

Re: Helen T: Kevin & George just don\'t care!!!!

You reps just don't get it. You never will. HR is not going to do anything until they see risk. Risk can be a lawsuit or bad numbers. HR 101 - seperate the company from risk at all cost. Amgen only cares about staff members and their families until there is risk or unforseen cost (lawsuits or problems. HR will fire Helen or anyone for that matter if the risk outwieghts the reward. What most of you reading this dont know is that..Amgen is a business. Amgen's first priority is to return profit to shareholders. Amgen is not there to support families. If thats what Amgen needs to do to make a profit then they will support families only to obtain their goal. Not because, "It is the right thing to do!" Amgen doesnt care about doing the right thing. Remember none of you, even in the Chairman's Circle are important to Amgen. If you took $50.00 on a expense report by accident and you spoke out against Amgen or a VP, you ass would be kicked out the door. You just don't get it. HR lied to you about GE. GE got fired for harassment, stalking, racial intimidation, theft on expenses, poor judgement, sexual harassment. HR look at records on a company issued cellphone and saw calls made to many female reps . These calls were made late at night. Some reps had complained about sexual harassment. HR didnt do anything until it got so bad, they had to get rid of him. DID they fire him? NO!! They gave him a nice package and sent him on to the next company. GE should be in JAIL. Then GE went to Millennium and di the same thing. SOmeone sent court docs to Deb Dunsire the CEO. GE got fired 2 days later. Millennium was out $1 million in less than a year. Amgen is ruthless. AMgen is not about patients it is all about patents. Remember follow the money. Kevin and George make so much fucking money. They dont care about reps. At TO we often talk about how reps are on the front lines and get no credit. Sales are first ones to come and first ones to go. AMgen just doesnt care until it cost them money.

Re: Helen T: Kevin & George just don\'t care!!!!

Speaking of GE, if you rememeber, GE was working for Helen, when he was flying first class paid by Amgen and conducting "his late night training of the female reps" in Amgen. I guess GE knew about Helen's limo business and knew that she couldn't dare to say anything to him.

Re: Helen T: Kevin & George just don\'t care!!!!

Having suffered through the ultimate micromanagement experience under Helen T, and now working for a true macromanager, I can tell you that I will never go back to work for a manager like Helen. She is the ultimate micromanager. I could feel her micomanagement style even though she wasn't my direct supervisor.