Hebrews 13:17


This post is for people who are miserable at Forest. If you are not happy go find another job there are many many many options out there you just need to go after it. The other option is to read this bible verse to get you through things, maybe a shift in your mind set will make things better if your not happy right now.

I'd say that the scripture is somewhat taken out of context. There is no one here af Forest looking out for your soul that will give an account for you. This is the most Godless place I have ever worked at. Backstabbing, bribing, and manipulation is what is to be expected when working here, and working with your DM across all sales forces. This place is a farce when it comes to integrity on all levels.

"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you."

Soulless, mindless, no character, bribery, thieves, liars...I could go on and on...u R right. Everyone will lie cheat and steal to protect their over paid, talentless souls.

This post is for people who are miserable at Forest. If you are not happy go find another job there are many many many options out there you just need to go after it. The other option is to read this bible verse to get you through things, maybe a shift in your mind set will make things better if your not happy right now.

Really? You may want to check that. I am just spitballing here but we work at a Company, not a Church. This verse is most likely directed at a congregation and its pastor/priest.
Otherwise you could use this verse to justify anything