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Heat going to be turned up on CV


Get ready CV folks. Managers are gonna start turning up the heat on reps. Iva is not coming to market, and word is that Evo is facing a delay now. Higher ups are looking to reduce headcount to retain costs. CVS Caremark and other big plans have already said they are going to limit potential uptake of pcsk9s and crush any hopes for these 10k/yr products. Analysts are downgrading projections and the pressure will be commencing shortly.


Wouldn't the easy fix be to cut bait with the contract. Bring them back if and when we get a product. This model was doomed to fail from the beginning. We are all out here with nothing to do stepping over each other each day. The writing is on the wall.

That's why you should leave for Regeneron or Novartis. I'd go Novartis since their product will definitely launch and likely launch early.

You clowns post like all you got to do is snap your fingers and you will get hired by regeneron.. There are probably 100 resumes at least for every 1 spot so calm down with the " oh I'll just go to regeneron"

Let's expand some territories that does not have enough work to do. Look at the geography size, group practices and where the businesses are lumped together. There are money to be saved in these territories by getting rid of it.

Most territories have horrible POA call attainment vs expectations. You can make a territory bigger but you're not going to improve access to Cardiologists without a product.

Get ready CV folks. Managers are gonna start turning up the heat on reps. Iva is not coming to market, and word is that Evo is facing a delay now. Higher ups are looking to reduce headcount to retain costs. CVS Caremark and other big plans have already said they are going to limit potential uptake of pcsk9s and crush any hopes for these 10k/yr products. Analysts are downgrading projections and the pressure will be commencing shortly.

Vanessa's Big Fail. Ship her back to Camden, NJ

Most territories have horrible POA call attainment vs expectations. You can make a territory bigger but you're not going to improve access to Cardiologists without a product.

Access is difficult and the reps who are exergerating their calls should be looked at. How do you get 8-10 calls a day consistency in cardiology? I call BS! In primary care can barely do that these days with the reduced access.

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